View Full Version : TV User Bouquets question.

29-05-12, 05:09

I have decided to give Bouquets making a go. So far i have found it really easy and simple to set up great software

I have a question though..

Q: Do i have to re-set up (Insert new bouquets, re-naming, re-ordering etc) all the user bouquets on the right hand side of Dreamboxedit every time i update the database via DreamboxUK Services Database?

Is there a way to keep the bouquet categories? so i don't have to keep Inserting new bouquets, re-naming etc... maybe there are some files in the bouquets folder that will allow me to retain this?

Q: Also i noticed that Channel 5 HD did not 'HD SWAP' when i go to 171 it brings up Channel 5.. All other channels i tried brought up the HD variant.. is this a bug with the front end software?

Thanks in advance

01-06-12, 15:01
Anyone able to help with this?

01-06-12, 15:13
I have never really experimented with creating bouquets but maybe if you ask Mr. Mister he may be able to help.

01-06-12, 17:01
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll PM him soon if he doesn't reply in this thread.

I just spend some time editing the User bouquets when i generate a new default bouquets via DreamboxUK Services Database frontend software.

I have to Rename the bouquet categories, Insert new ones, Re-order them and move the channels around etc which can be time consuming.

Every time the channel database gets updated via DreamboxUK Services Database frontend software to use that update it generates the default bouquets so i have to re-make the bouquets structure all over again.

If there was a way to load the current edited bouquets in dreamboxedit and then load the new channel list database only then i could update the new channels manually from the new channel list that way i'd get to keep the user bouquets i created previously.

I just don't want to keep re-making the user bouquets so any solution would be great the above just seem like the easiest

Mr. Mister
01-06-12, 17:15
Hi Degea..

Im dont think that i gonna be of much help to you either buddy.. But ill give it a go for you.. Me personally.. I really dont like the DBUK front end software..

Q: Do i have to re-set up (Insert new bouquets, re-naming, re-ordering etc) all the user bouquets on the right hand side of Dreamboxedit every time i update the database via DreamboxUK Services Database?

As far as i am aware.. It generates upto date bouquets the way B16 wants it to do it.. I dont think you can just pick and choose what you want it to display.. It is the way it is..

Q: Also i noticed that Channel 5 HD did not 'HD SWAP' when i go to 171 it brings up Channel 5.. All other channels i tried brought up the HD variant.. is this a bug with the front end software?

Again.. This is something that you will have to take up with B16..

All my bouquets are updated manually.. Both the 28 east.. and the multisat.. I dont use any front ends.. or anything else..

Just plain old DBEdit.. and quite a bit of time.. lmao

I just find thats what works for me.. But what works for me.. may not suit everyone else..

Sorry i cant be of more help..

01-06-12, 19:06
I'm a newbie with this software, but I always like to minimise my workload - I only use DBedit as I have both UK and German services on my box, so I use
http://satellites-xml.eu/ to set up my satellites.xml for only 19.2 and 28.2E (I don't care about the others) , re-scan both satellites to set up lamedb and then use for instance Mr. Mister's bouquets as the base and then import another set of bouquets for 19.2E - a few deletes and moves and I am there.

For Mr. Mister a lot of hard work, for me minutes, and I have my personalised bouquet set up.

01-06-12, 19:31
I'm a newbie with this software, but I always like to minimise my workload - I only use DBedit as I have both UK and German services on my box, so I use
http://satellites-xml.eu/ to set up my satellites.xml for only 19.2 and 28.2E (I don't care about the others) , re-scan both satellites to set up lamedb and then use for instance Mr. Mister's bouquets as the base and then import another set of bouquets for 19.2E - a few deletes and moves and I am there.

For Mr. Mister a lot of hard work, for me minutes, and I have my personalised bouquet set up.

i would personally recommend that you use
http://satellites-xml.org/ instead as you can set it so that your satellites.xml file only contains known working transponders and this will almost half the size of the file in most cases and speed up and scans you make as the box will not need to pause over dead or inactive transponders while trying to get a lock.

01-06-12, 19:51
Hi Degea..

Im dont think that i gonna be of much help to you either buddy.. But ill give it a go for you.. Me personally.. I really dont like the DBUK front end software..

As far as i am aware.. It generates upto date bouquets the way B16 wants it to do it.. I dont think you can just pick and choose what you want it to display.. It is the way it is..

Again.. This is something that you will have to take up with B16..

All my bouquets are updated manually.. Both the 28 east.. and the multisat.. I dont use any front ends.. or anything else..

Just plain old DBEdit.. and quite a bit of time.. lmao

I just find thats what works for me.. But what works for me.. may not suit everyone else..

Sorry i cant be of more help..
Thanks for the reply and an insight in to how you do it.. I think i'm just going to do the same and manually update.. I have edited my bouquets to the way i want it using the Frontend software channel database as a starting point/base as i wanted a specific region, Sly numbering and HD SWAP. The editing included manually importing new channels from other bouquets on these forums which were more up to date, which was very useful.

As I'm not doing it all manually i have a couple of questions...

Q:How often do you update the satellites.xml file? every time there is a channel Frequency change etc? or monthly etc?

Q:How often do you do a re-scan on the receiver? Again same, each time a channel Frequency changes etc? or monthly etc?

01-06-12, 20:43
A1: very seldom. I only created a satellites.xml for a test. Normally a network scan finds all services but is quite a bit slower.
A2: Only if I get to know that there are new/changed services or if I am bored and have to much time.
