View Full Version : Setting up a dyndns IP?

26-05-12, 11:17
Morning, so if I want to stream my box over the Internet, I know I need a very very good connection, is the following correct to do:

1) go to openwebif plugin, enable, port 80
2) set up a dyndns ip that attaches to the broadband ip of my router
3) to access it, type my dyndns address plus my port number 80 in the URL


Would I need to open a port to for my vu+ box on my router? Or would the above work?

I was under the impression that obtaining a dyndns ip was free? But on the website it's $20 a year? Is there an alternative service that is free?

Many thanks

26-05-12, 11:27
no-ip.com is free...google it
if you intend to stream over the internet, it might be a good idea to password protect your open port ( 80 )
it might also be an idea to change port 80 to 85 or 90, as port 80 is well known
and yes, you will need to open ports on the router, for the DUO

26-05-12, 13:09
Thanks for this, il look into this

26-05-12, 17:52
2) set up a dyndns ip that attaches to the broadband ip of my routerA lot of the time you don't need a DNS service at all. With a stable nailed up connection the IP can last for months. Login to your router and see how long the current connection has been up. Mines been up 2 months and the router reset at the same time as the IP changed so must have been down to a power outage.