View Full Version : Streaming pc to VU+duo

23-08-10, 19:59
I know this has been covered on a couple of other threads and believe me i've studied them,
basically im trying to stream form my pc to duo, im using the latest openPLI i go to setup system network then scan for available sources and my pc shows up, i enter my login details and press ok to expand but nothing shows up, feels like ive tried everything!

im using an administrator account and ive enabled sharing etc etc and have no probs streaming from duo to pc.

My setup is a revo 3610 win7 ultimate 64bit.

Thanks in advance for any help

13-09-10, 18:49
Bump, could this be due to me using 64 bit win 7?

13-09-10, 23:22
u had a look and followed this one (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?525-Simple-streaming-VU-to-PC&p=9070&viewfull=1#post9070)

14-09-10, 19:28
Yeah mate no probs streaming to pc have problems streaming to vu

14-09-10, 19:38
you need to setup a cifs or nfs share

14-09-10, 20:42
none of my shares show up in mount manager

14-09-10, 20:53
You have to add the share first in mount manager,use cifs. Make sure your firewalls are allowing the folder you want to share to your vu.I made this mistake,I tried for months only to find my eset security wasn`t allowing it.Also when you press ok to activate the settings it takes a few minutes. Once this is done go into user management and set the password and username that you use for pc user account.


14-09-10, 20:59
ah so you mean when you press ok to expand it takes a while? only have microsoft sercurity essentials and windows firewall tried disabling both

14-09-10, 21:02
Yes,when you first activate the share in mount manager/add new network mount point, it takes a couple of minutes to activate. It looks like your vu has hung,but it`s activating the share.


14-09-10, 21:12
Ive been trying to do it via networkbrowser pcs show up but no shares show

14-09-10, 21:17
forget the networkbrowser, look at mountmanager --> mountpoints management, there should your share be visible.

14-09-10, 21:25
i'll give it a whirl

14-09-10, 21:42
Still no joy might give the new vix image a go

14-09-10, 21:51
well good luck, hope it works.

19-09-10, 13:01
I wonder if you had any luck with this. I'm having exact same issues with VIX image and win7 x64. My other computer (XP) can be seen in the network manager and mounted just fine, but not the win7 one :(

19-09-10, 13:03
there was an option in the 7 somewhere that enables sharing and streaming multimedia files.... need to look where it was but till then u can too :)

19-09-10, 13:27
No no luck thinks its defo down to the 64 bit windows, read on a few other forums same issue with dreambox's

19-09-10, 13:56
why not share your hard drive and so play the movies using media player

what do u get when u try it, have u set the rights in 7 for accessing and so on

19-09-10, 14:29
All sharing rights are already enabled currently sharing files with ps3 upstairs on a wired network, believe me mate i've tried everything, its not really a feature i'd use much to be honest i just hate to be beaten by gadgets!!

19-09-10, 15:55
why not share your hard drive and so play the movies using media player

That's exactly what I'm trying to do in fact. My XP machine can see the share just fine, but not VU+ (even if adding IP to the network manager manually).

19-09-10, 18:57
I was looking at this thread and I was wondering can I stream a mkv movie with subtitles using VLC to vu+ so that vu+ shows subtitles too as vu+ media player can only show subtitles if they are in UTF-8 format? I forgot to mention I am using VIX image.