View Full Version : Network Disconnecting Overnight

23-08-10, 13:26

it's become apparent that for some reason upon shutting down the box overnight it's disconnecting from my network, i'm finding the i'm having to reboot the router every time, it dosn't do it though just on rebooting, i can reboot many many times as i do much to my peers annoyance and it dont disconnect.

yesterday though the router would not restart i had to do a full reset:mad: it's a Belkin "N" series wired setup, thing is i forgot to mention is that it's only disconnecting my peers, the servers are all connected.

anybody got any thoughts on it please.

regards: canthackit

23-08-10, 13:57
Hi mate

Sounds like CCcam is falling down or if your ISP are working late into the night maybe changing ur ip... you did not mention if your vu+ has a static ip or assigned as and when your router reboots


23-08-10, 16:13
got a static ip addy mate but still use a domin name, running CCcam 2.1.4 ISP Hmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder i did do a check by ringing them got a record message but nothing untowards in my area.

regards: canthackit

26-08-10, 16:22
after 2 weeks of constantly disconnecting my clients, tried a 1000 different things, missed my Domain Name being wrongly spelt on 999 of the times.

what a berk :rolleyes: how can i sit here looking at my router setup and not notice the mistake:rolleyes:

oh well all seems to be working ok now :D

thanks for listening.

regards: canthackit

27-08-10, 15:36
Hi mate

Dont worry we have all been there at some stage, always the simple things we take for grantage as being fine fail us lol



27-08-10, 17:42
sadly it's reared it's ugly head again so it wasn't that.

DNS reported it could have been blocking my IP due to excessive update request but that's settled down now so it's not that, i've run out of ideas, nothing seems to solve the problem.

been in touch with Belkin, they told me there's nothing wrong with the router.

i've disabled DNS and used my staic ip that didn't solve it.

i've gone over and over the router configs, everything appears in order.

i've even reset the router.

it's not only happening overnight now, it's happening at various times throughout the day as well.

and i can never actualy catch it when it's causing the problem.

totally confused: canthackit

27-08-10, 20:44
Do you have another spare router knocking around?

Did it do this before you installed the Gigant image?

27-08-10, 21:06
Hello bud,

Can I suggest you you download and install putty, set putty to save a log to your pc.

Start your emu via telnet with -d and the leave it running.

When you have the crash take a look at the log.

I suspect you could be be having an attack on your server.

27-08-10, 22:26
@ Sic

yes mate tried another 2 routers both Negear 834GT and it happened with them as well.

does it with any or all images.

regards: canthackit

27-08-10, 22:28
@ floyd

thanks to you as well mate, luckyly enough i have puttytel installed.

reading your last line, horror of horrors i think you could be right.

regards: canthackit

27-08-10, 22:28
have you set up inadyn??


27-08-10, 22:42
inadyn don't know what that is mate?

uninstalled DNS now reinstalled it again, had even more problems just using my IP addy.

regards: canthackit

27-08-10, 22:45
inadyn ia a plugin that auto connects to the net via a dns address

so it updates your ip address at set intervals (5 mins/1 hour or what ever)


27-08-10, 22:48
inadyn don't know what that is mate?

uninstalled DNS now reinstalled it again, had even more problems just using my IP addy.

regards: canthackit

inadyn is a client for 'open' name servers.

have a look here m8


27-08-10, 23:06
inadyn ia a plugin that auto connects to the net via a dns address

so it updates your ip address at set intervals (5 mins/1 hour or what ever)


but is that not one of the problems i described earlier with DYNDNS somehow there were/is constant update request being sent, and this is seen as abuse and so a block is put on the IP address, and add to that at some stage or other i get the "NOCHNG" error message, forgive the spelling i'm trying that one from memory :D

thanks anyways guy's with all of your help i'm gonna crack this sucka ;)

regards: canthackit

27-08-10, 23:14
ok guy's

i've been at it again for hours, i installed the last VTI image and it happened with that as well, so gone back yet again to the Gigant image, installed it about 6 hours ago and so far so good no disconnections :rolleyes:

i've had enough gent's and going to bed, this is the big test again, putting the Duo into standby overnight :baby:


need a bit more help with these telnet commands mate, to start CCcam via telnet i need to stop it first how do i do that (somehow i think i 'm going to regret asking that):D

thanks again guy's and goodnight.

regards: canthackit

28-08-10, 08:31
To stop CCcam you need to go to the correct directory, with putty you can copy and paste these lines.

cd /usr/bin
Then hit enter
killall -9 CCcam_2_1_3
Then hit enter

Just check that CCcam is named as I have posted in usr/bin
I am posting from memory.

28-08-10, 11:31
Another thing, have you updated your router firmware recently?! That could be the problem?!

I remember using my netgear dg834n, had loads of problems with it only letting a few of my f-lines connect, but could connect to all of my c-lines... So, only about 3 or 4 peers could connect at a time. And they would constantly be changing.

Found out, that after firmware 1.0.6 (or something like that), they changed something which was a firewall change of some kind, that caused the problems. After going back to the 1.0.6 firmware, all worked fine...

28-08-10, 13:17
Hi mate

My thoughts were along the lines you could have an attack on your CCcam, dont know how many you serve but wud it be possible to make changes to your clients issue new user passwords and even dydns have you lost or blocked anyone of late, biggest problem with all this share is who to trust.


28-08-10, 13:47
I take it you have set db edit to enigma2??

28-08-10, 13:49
ok guy's i'm back again :D

seems you were all right in some way or another:confused:

it was the DNS proggie or should i say it seems to be so far, since i stopped clicking on apply everytime i open it it has stopped sending update request's, so all is well for the time being :D

Soooooo seeing as i downloaded the AVG firewall i thought now was the time install and setup the program, i did and that brought the problem back:rolleyes: it was blocking my DNS and any other important connection, so it's a matter of testing out as many settings as i can to see what suits.

on the setup options one of the choices is a [home network wired or wireless] so i chose that, well you would wouldn't you:confused:

wrong that's what was blocking me,so i've now set it to directly via a modem which my setup is not, but it seems to be working this way so i'll leave it alone for the tme being ok:eek:

so thanks to everyone's input you were all correct in one way or another, probaly be back in 10 minutes sceaming the network has locked up:D well i wouldn't be canthackit if it work properly.

thanks & regards: canthackit

29-08-10, 06:32
it's happening again :smash::smash::smash::smash:

29-08-10, 10:58
this is why i never use telnet i can never get the commands to work
entered: cd /usr/bin>enter
killall -9 CCcam2_1_4
i eventualy got that to stop the EMU

then i entered -d at the next command.
then got.
-sh: -d: not found
so CCcam will not start

regards: canthackit

29-08-10, 11:12
this is why i never use telnet i can never get the commands to work
entered: cd /usr/bin>enter
killall -9 CCcam2_1_4
i eventualy got that to stop the EMU

then i entered -d at the next command.
then got.
-sh: -d: not found
so CCcam will not start

regards: canthackit

lol, just type:

/usr/bin/CCcam2_1_4 -d
if you want to see the debugging info, which is why I guess you did this, if not, you can leave the -d at the end :p

29-08-10, 11:26
why the bloody hell didn't he tell me that.

i can only enter what i'm told.

thanks mate.

30-08-10, 14:52
the saga contiues.

until early this morning, it looked like to me that the Trusteer program might be causing problems so i went to unistall it, but i got a warning message saying something about it having detected certain malicous code in the system and had quarantined them, and uninstalling the progam could possibly release the blighters again :baby:

so that left me one alternative, format and reinstall the OS which i've done and dare i say it so far so good, won't say i've cracked 'cos soon as i open my mouth i put my foot in it :D so let's wait and see.

i hope i can say thanks to all that has helped, this has caused me lost sleep ,lost hours, lost day's :(

see ya

regards: canthackit