View Full Version : Upgrading Hard Disc

19-05-12, 17:23
I have recently bought an ET9200 and am loving it but I only installed a 250GB disc to start with since I thought I probably wouldn't use the box much!

This was a tactical error and I now need to increase the capacity. I have a 2yr old 1TB drive hanging around so I thought this would be a good candidate.

Does anyone have any bright ideas how I could copy the content off the installed 250GB drive and onto the 1TB drive?

Install 1TB drive and then somehow connect the 250GB externally?


19-05-12, 17:27
That going to be your best bet, buying a cheap USB caddy for it.

Rob van der Does
19-05-12, 17:34
Or copy the files to another location first (PC, NAS), and later copy them to the box.

19-05-12, 17:40
I use one internal HDD on my ET9000 and one through USB...I telnet in and run a nohup cp -r to copy files across overnight :)

19-05-12, 17:52
Actually I tried to copy the files onto my ReadyNAS Duo across the network but didn't do too well... I think this was possibly due to my rather dodgy powerline network (which spans two consumer units)...

I might move the NAS nearer and try again.

If that doesn't work. I'll try to connect the disc externally either via USB or eSATA. I'll have to buy an adapter/case of some kind as I don't have that.

Incidentally, does rsync exist for VIX/ET9200? My last attempt at nohup cp resulted in a hang and little info... a progression of dots would have been reassuring.


Rob van der Does
19-05-12, 17:57
You would best copy the files via the filemanager on the box itself (file-list --> copy --> navigate to the correct location). Best do that recording by recording.

19-05-12, 18:02
I would seriously consider whether this is worth the effort. I changed HDD couple of months ago and had about 20 recordings - mostly HD and it took the best part of 12 hours to get it done.

20-05-12, 11:45
I moved the NAS nearer and copied the files off. No problem.

I removed the 250GB disc and replaced with a 1TB one...

... I restarted

The box just loops now with an error...

/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py, line 453 in runScreenTest
nav = Navigation(config.misc.isNextRecordTimerAfterEvent ActionAuto.value

Not sure what to do here... Is it having trouble reading a config value from a hdd that no longer exists or is it trying to work out a recording schedule or trying to start an active timer to a hdd that doesn't exist!

I can still telnet in to the box so I presume all is not lost.

Any suggestions?


20-05-12, 11:48
ideally i would have first placed the blank drive into the receiver and initialised it from within the image then transferred the data over you wanted to keep. i suspect this is a problem because the drive has not been initialised ( formatted by the image ).

20-05-12, 11:51
Not sure if this was the right thing to do but...

root@et9x00:/etc/enigma2# mv timers.xml timers.xml.orig

Seemed to get me out of the loop

20-05-12, 11:53
so it would seem you have a problem with your timers.xml file. is this a old timers.xml file from a older image ?

Rob van der Does
20-05-12, 12:11
Or due to the changed but not yet initialised HDD the recording-location wasn't correct any more.
I would suggest to sort out the HDD first, check recording-location and re-install the same timer.xml again.

20-05-12, 13:27
I renamed timers.xml, inited the new disc, renamed timers.xml back, restarted. All is well.

My timers list in enigma2 is now blank which is a bit odd so i'm not sure what was going on but it all seems to work and I have a 1TB disc which is nice.

This is a new box, i'm also a newbie, so it's probably only ever had this image... which was installed by the folks who supplied the box... WoS.


Rob van der Does
20-05-12, 14:32
Ah, sorry, I should have warned you: only make changes after stopping enigma2 (telnet: 'init 4', and 'init 3' to start e2 after making the change). As Enigma has all in memory, it will overwrite any changes when made when it's alive.

20-05-12, 18:14
No big deal; All working now.