View Full Version : Virus found on Dreambox setup file

14-05-12, 17:39
After running an online anti virus scan called Housecall from trend micro, a known and popular site, It found a malware virus on the file dreamboxedit_setup_4.1.0.1 which I downloaded some time ago.
The virus is called the ADW KRADARE which changes some windows start up files and , according to the virus description, stops some programs from running.
My resident antivirus programme, Avast!, failed to find it, as did SPYBOT, a dedicated anti spyware/malware scanner.
I would suggest we all scan our computers after reading this with housecall (google it , & find it directly –no risk) to be sure of a clean machine. Choose full system scan. It’s rather slow, but if you’re infected, it’ll find it.
Ive attached a copy of the virus report and description as a word file, as this is the 1st time sending attachments, hope it comes through ok.

14-05-12, 17:43
all of the various versions of DBE hosted on this site were downloaded directly from the source IHAD and i very much doubt they are infected with any thing, it's far more likely you are getting a false positive. I have used DBE for almost 10 years and never once had any issues so i'm more than happy to stick with it.

Mr. Mister
14-05-12, 17:45
Please do NOT post the same post in multiple threads.. !!!!

14-05-12, 17:50
Sorry, my mistake.

14-05-12, 18:00
its probbley a false positive. try running it through virus total

14-05-12, 18:05
please dont make multiple threads, one is more than enough.

for the record i have just downloaded the file from this thread

and run it through half a dozen online scanners and all come back as clean but to alleviate your fears i'll remove the file as it's now a old version.

15-05-12, 19:28
Understood, I had a slight problem sending both attachments then later found I'd sent the whole post once again!

15-05-12, 19:40
Not being so well informed with virus detection, what's a "false positive"? Could this be the reason my anti-virus program didn't report finding anything after running a full system scan?

15-05-12, 19:46

16-05-12, 18:23
After reading what false positives are (many thanks Maxwell4321) I can now rest assured the whole thing was’nt an infection but housecall mismatching data code that it thought, resembled a malware virus (or part of), within its databank, then sending an alarm.

I just downloaded and installed the latest dreamboxedit, namely dreamboxEDIT_setup_5.0.2.0 and uploaded it to virustotal.com, the single file scanning site (thanks for this link Copex) with the result housecall reports the setup program has the ADW_KRADARE malware virus! The same as it reported the earlier setup version had – another false positive!
Additionally, Esafe, another virus scanner, sees it as a suspisious file and 38 other virus scanning sites show it’s clean.
So which virus scanner is correct? Well……..Yer pays yer monies n takes yer choice.

16-05-12, 18:26
After reading what false positives are (many thanks Maxwell4321) I can now rest assured the whole thing was’nt an infection but housecall mismatching data code that it thought, resembled a malware virus (or part of), within its databank, then sending an alarm.

I just downloaded and installed the latest dreamboxedit, namely dreamboxEDIT_setup_5.0.2.0 and uploaded it to virustotal.com, the single file scanning site (thanks for this link Copex) with the result housecall reports the setup program has the ADW_KRADARE malware virus! The same as it reported the earlier setup version had – another false positive!
Additionally, Esafe, another virus scanner, sees it as a suspisious file and 38 other virus scanning sites show it’s clean.
So which virus scanner is correct? Well……..Yer pays yer monies n takes yer choice.

Dont worry about it, the file is clean. DBE is a exceptionally popular and highly used piece of software. I am totally certain that if it were infected with any thing we would have heard about it way before now.

16-05-12, 18:27
You certainly do, thats why you should only download from trusted sites, not 100% but still better than some unknown fly by night site.