View Full Version : Convert .ts Audio Files to another audio format

06-05-12, 22:05
I have a radio recording that I want to convert to any other format to cut it to CD.

I tried a few programs (Audacity etc) but cant find anything that recognises the ts audio file to convert.

It plays fine in VLC Player.

Anyone ?

07-05-12, 09:07
this may help posted by Max Demian on

Originally Posted by fortysomething View Post
As a companion to the threads on how to deal with "standard" .ts files transferred from the 9200T, is there a simple way of converting a .ts file that's been recorded from a radio station into an MP3 file?
Download and install VideoLAN Client.

The easiest way to use it for this purpose is to create a batch file like this:

@echo off
"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -vvv %1 :sout="#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2}:standard{ access=file,mux=raw,url=%~n1.mp3}" vlc:quit

Call the file something like ts2mp3.bat and put it in your C:\WINDOWS folder.

Open a Command Prompt window, navigate to the folder with the .ts file, then type:

ts2mp3 file.ts

where file.ts is the name of the file. It's best to rename it to a simple sort of name.
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07-05-12, 12:56
I have a radio recording that I want to convert to any other format to cut it to CD.

I tried a few programs (Audacity etc) but cant find anything that recognises the ts audio file to convert.

It plays fine in VLC Player.

Anyone ?

Format Factory seems to be well recommended, and is available as a free download from many sites. I keep meaning to try to convert my sly movies to view on other platforms which Format Factory should do, i'll give it a go.

07-05-12, 15:20
Got sorted.. (note this was an audio .ts file from a radio station not a video .ts file.)
I used a free app I found called "MPEG Streamclip".
It needs another app called "QuickTime Alternative 1.81" installed. Ordinary quicktime works too if you have the mpeg encoder pack installed ($20). If you use the alternative then apple quicktime needs to be un-installed.
MPEG Streamclip changes the file to MP3 (1 hour took 5-6 mins) and then I trimmed it with Audacity.
You can burn to Audio CD using any buring software or use the burn cd option in Windows Media Player.