View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] Loading problem

Sat A light
04-05-12, 18:11
I've searched for a solution and have plagued my friend to no avail.

Two days ago the kids put Solo on but got constant loading screen. I tried rebooting router and box but same thing.

If I press down arrow, I can access bouquets and see fta channels only. Everything seemed as it was otherwise.

I gave up but when I switched on yesterday, all was fine. Then it froze and on reboot, went back to loading problem.

I reflashed the image, but again everything looks fine apart from the constant loading screen.

I'm a bit of a dunce at all this so apologies if this has been covered elsewhere and/or is really obvious.

04-05-12, 19:22
Press the blue button, then softcam manager!

Is your softcam running?

If not then start it and also enable auto startup to automatically start the softcam when the receiver starts!

Sat A light
04-05-12, 20:25
Press the blue button, then softcam manager!

Is your softcam running?

If not then start it and also enable auto startup to automatically start the softcam when the receiver starts!

Yeah, softcam is running. Says 'active' and green tick beside it

04-05-12, 20:53
so is your unit now working?? or do you still have a problem??

Mr. Mister
04-05-12, 20:58
What image are you try to load on the box.. ??

What image did you have on the box before the current one.. ??

Have you ever update the cfe bootloader on your solo.. ??

04-05-12, 21:02
so is your unit now working?? or do you still have a problem??

Also, if it's not running what softcam are you using? If you are MgcamD then the box type in mg_cfg needs to be 06 on the latest kernel.

If not, I'm out of ideas..

Sat A light
04-05-12, 22:28
In my defence I did say I was a dunce on this stuff so go easy.

I went into network wizard and said yes to DHCP, switched off at socket and back on, and after a brief delay, all was fine again.

As regards the difference between softcam and MgcamD ......... I haven't a clue. Am using Softcam 2.1.3.

I'm hoping it won't pack in again as it appeared to be fine yesterday morning only to go wallop again last night.

Appreciate the replies btw

04-05-12, 22:37
2.1.3 is CCcam 2.1.3, and the cam should most likely auto start

and for now, it seems you are now ok

Sat A light
04-05-12, 22:42
Yeah, looks ok now but had been working fine up to a couple of days ago and this happens out of the blue.

Just hoping it stays now.

Was strange though as everything looked normal apart from channels not showing if that makes sense.

04-05-12, 22:49
ok...and by the way,..you are not a thicky, we all had to start some where, but be warned, in a few years time, although you will no more, you will still feel that you dont no enough

as far as the crash goes,...hopefully it was a one off...if not, get back to us, and welcome aboard as well

Sat A light
04-05-12, 23:05
Cheers, appreciate it

Sat A light
07-05-12, 21:43
Hi guys,

I'm back to square one apparently. It's stuck on loading screen again, there's a long error message

Error:[Failure instance:Traceback:<type 'exceptions.10Error'>:[Erno socket error]
[Errno 7] no address associated with
---<exception caught here>---

I can't read the rest of it as it's below the screen.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to remedy this

18-06-12, 11:59
I have the same problem on boot up as Sat A Light .

The error Message about errno 7 etc..

Does anyone have an idea of how to solve this problem.

PS I am a novice at this type of equipment but am fairly technologically knowledgeable.

18-06-12, 17:00
Ok it seems I was not connecting to the internet through my router, I reconfigured it as with a static ip address and it connected forsst time. Not sure why it would not work automatically but solved problem.