View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] Ultimo memory usage

04-05-12, 14:13
was looking at the clearmem plugin mention in the duo section, when I install it on my ultimo it says I have 1.48% mem free, if I clear mem I go to 58.30% free. but it only takes abot 2 mins to go back to 1.48%.

Its stock vix image with glass 16 skin, and oscam running, and crossepg get 28.2 each night, thats it!!

is this normal??

04-05-12, 14:19
you really have no need to run that on the ultimo it has more than enough memory.

what you have to remember is that linux handles memory very differently to windows and free memory is considered as wasted memory. now for the duo, some duo's have displayed a memory leak with the 3.1.1 linux kernel this is why this plugin is recommended for those receivers which are suffering problems, duo's that show no problems such as my own have no need for the plugin.

04-05-12, 14:42
nice one mate, just learning :)