View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] Box hangs every night

30-04-12, 09:38
After I turn my box off at night, not deep standby and I go to bed, when I get up in the morning the box has hung, vix icon on top left of screen and just a black screen, I then need to do a restart of the box for it to work. Only other info I have is I use a nas for recording, download crossepg onto box as if I try mounting a USB drive it crashes the box.

30-04-12, 10:05
its likely down to the epg i would really not recommend saving a epg to internal flash or a nas for that matter.

you can try a temporary swap file set over night to see if that makes a difference but i would also get that epg off the internal flash.

30-04-12, 10:42
I have tried to mount a USB stick a million times to use for epg but crashes every time. Not much else I can do.

30-04-12, 10:47
Did you try more than 1 stick ?
how are you formatting the stick ? before or after inserting it into the receiver ?.

The more info you can provide the better.

30-04-12, 10:52
I've put another USB pen drive in and it seems to be happy with that, let's see how that goes.

30-04-12, 10:56
yes some sticks work and some wont.

09-05-12, 22:19
I'm experiencing similar issue but it's not every day.
On three Duo, I'm using a Verbatim 8GB pen.
first never crashed or stuck
second and third had two or three blocks at the crossEPG scheduled time.

Mr. Mister
10-05-12, 00:21
I would suggest that you do NOT have your 3 duo`s doing a EPG download at the same time..

I did have an issue with this about 6 months ago..

I then staggered the times to do the download.. and all has been fine since..

10-05-12, 06:09
Yeah same here I have all my epg's for my boxes staggered 5 minutes apart.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2

10-05-12, 14:46
Mr mister have to say it's a good suggestion. But one of the three Duo is not on the same household therefore it is not related to download bottle necks. I presume

10-05-12, 21:01
I had a CEPG issue on one of my boxes whilst the other three worked fine, have a look in case there were any recordings going on at the same time.

I am just fault finding mine at the moment and have changed the download time to avoid recordings

12-05-12, 12:33
Still having issues arrgghhhh, same prob, get up in morning and need to do reboot, using USB for peg, manual download of epg works a treat

Mr. Mister
12-05-12, 13:03
If you have tried all that.. I would do a total new flash.. and set up from the start..

12-05-12, 14:04
Been flashed twice, just going to leave it.