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View Full Version : Looking at doing a full guide

23-04-12, 19:01
Hi folks
After reading through this and other forums, I am probably more confused than before I took delivery of my new box..

I did a couple of easy to follow guides/manuals for computer gear a while back.

So here is my plan

I want to do an out the box, from start to finish, from flashing for the very first time, installing cams, add ons, how to use players, how to set up fixed dish install (this is only aimed at those with a dish already installed) and the basics for motorized, (again basic as I believe this is a can of worms that you can find answers for else where.)

I would like to do step by step guides for everything you can think of, with plenty of screen shots and simple easy to follow instructions in plain English.

I know this will take time, but believe the box really does need some form of one stop guide. As for time, I have plenty, I am disabled so time is what I have.

That said, I would like it to be unique to this forum as I bought my box from WOS, so would like to give something back.

So what do you guys think.

I need as much feedback as you can give, if enough people think it is a good idea and want it, and providing others in the know can provide me with the raw data (fancy word for details)

I am ready willing and happy to give it a go..

23-04-12, 19:15
If you have the time and inclination go for it, good guides and how to's are always a welcome addition and in particular for new receivers.

23-04-12, 19:36
If you have the time and inclination go for it, good guides and how to's are always a welcome addition and in particular for new receivers.

you pretty much took the exact words rite out of my mouth.

@Bluto141 as maxwell has said if you have the time and your up for it then by all means please do, any tutorial or guide would be most welcomed and if there is any help or advice we can provide just ask.

23-04-12, 21:48
Excellant idea.

As a first step draw up a TOC and than take it from there.

I would say try to make it generic and not delve into too much specific stuff otherwise it will be out of date fairly quick.

23-04-12, 23:48
Thanks for the feedback guys, but over 30 views and only 3 reply's, I need lots more ideas, as to the TOC yea that was my first stop, and trying to get basics out as quick as I can, one point, I have been asked in a round about way, will I be adding a tutorial about such things as we do not discuss on this forum, and are illegal, so to clarify, if it ain't legal it ain't going in, sorry to anyone hoping otherwise..
I am also going to have a go at translating the German Manual into English, no I can not read or write German, but Google translate is my friend..

Have fun and share the knowledge.

Rob van der Does
24-04-12, 06:20
I very much hope you will do so. I think the best guidance will be the factory manual:it has a logical set-up and flow. But this time start at the flashing of an image and take it from there on. Screenshots are very important. Keep the manual generic (i.e. not hardware-specific, but image-specific). Put any elaboration into annexes, in order to keep the manual itself lean & mean.
As you'll probably know there are a lot of 'how-to's' on the forum: they should provide the info you need, but of course it needs to be streamlined and integrated.
Don't hesitate to ask around if you're not sure about something. Provide any draft-version via the forum, and make sure it has a version-number.

Good luck! I know from experience that this will be a laborious but rewarding job.

24-04-12, 19:31
There are already loads of tutorials on the site and as a start have a read of them and if you want to make a booklet use those as the basis with apporpriate attribution.

As for legal / illegal, we allow discussion on setting up your own personal card but no talk beyond this of either LAN or WAN and if you wanted your FAQ posted here than would need to respect this.

26-04-12, 00:52
I am going to start with the "user manual", I have the PDF German version, I will have to run it through a translator and paste the conversion.

This will take a while, but I think it will give a good starting point.
If anyone wants anything added at the back pm me or post here, also any blank screen shots that you have would be helpfull as I can edit them and add text as required for the manual.

Cheers G

Rob van der Does
26-04-12, 03:16
Which German version are you using? For all the VU's and for the ET5000 English versions are available as well.
And as they're all Enigma2 boxes, the manuals are basically the same. Apart from the flash-procedure that is, so chapter 1 must be different for all hardware (or an annex for the flash-procedure's instead).

26-04-12, 12:19
Cheers mate that will save lots of time..

29-04-12, 22:12
I'm pretty new to this and am currently setting up a Gigablue (have done a Vu+ recently too).

The following are the basics I can think of

1. How to flash image
2. How to mount drives
3. How to setup network
4 How to setup recording paths
5. How to setup services/channel lists/picons/
6. How to configure CrossEpg
7. How to set-up EPG display (e.g. CoolEPG)
8. How to setup remote control
9. WebIF
10. CAMs
11. Plugins...
12. etc.

30-04-12, 12:14
Salteedog this post is the most useful I have seen for the 800 SE all the basic questions i needed answered in one place,

Cheers mate, very much appreciated