View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Been a while

23-04-12, 11:16
Been a while since VIX released a new image :( I know these things take time ;)
Any hints of when a new version 'might' be out :thumbsup:

I've been using VIX since getting my DUO in 2010 but I must confess I've been using Black Hole this last couple of weeks (long story, problems with the lastest VIX) and I'd love to go back to VIX but I will wait for a new release.

23-04-12, 11:20
You'll be getting the stock answer I'm afraid :p

Its ready when its ready and while I can appreciate thats frustrating, I don't think you'll be disappointed!

Giving timescales IMO is more disappointing, especially if they slip or a buggy image is released just to get it out when promised!

23-04-12, 11:23
You'll be getting the stock answer I'm afraid :p

Its ready when its ready and while I appreciate thats frustrating, you'll not be disappointed!!

Giving timescales IMO is more disappointing, especially if they slip or a buggy image is released just to get it out when promised!

Yea I expected that response :D I know its difficult ;) maybe next month?

23-04-12, 12:13
I think the Vix team may be going for a new record in time between releases!? They've probably got their reasons... the current image is fairly unstable for the VuDuo and there is talk about referring some problems to VU to improve matters. The instabilities are affecting all images (so its not really just Vix). Maybe the goal is to return to a regime of more stable images. This is purely speculation on my part because no-one outside the team gets much indication of what's going on...

Judging on the responsiveness of VU (fairly low IMO) and the desire of the Vix Team to produce STABLE images... my prediction for the next image would be around three more months... however, I guess it could be longer. Let's hope not as it is still the best image around (they're all unstable at the moment).

Let's hope VU can come back with some fixes to improve matters.


23-04-12, 13:31
Not going for a record time :) but as rightly pointed out the goal is to ensure a reliable and stable image, Im glad to see someone that acknowledges that image problems are not just confined to Vix which seems to have a bit of bad press recently. We are all spending considerable amounts of time testing and re-testing and Andy is spending an extraordinary amount of time coding for any issues found.
As for a release timescale who knows, even the beta testing team are not privy to that information but you can rest assured that it will be worth the wait :thumbsup:

23-04-12, 13:58
I understand that our users are waiting for a release and i understand that for some the 204 build is not up to par but we are working very hard to get the best possible image out to our users. for example we are now testing build 290 Thats 86 separate complete image builds that have had to be tested since our last release, often times andy pushes a build before we have even discovered any bugs for our selves.

hopefully were pushing for a release soon but as always we cant get into ETA's.

23-04-12, 15:05
For what it's worth,I have had no issues with the latest vix,am I just lucky.:)

23-04-12, 16:05
For what it's worth,I have had no issues with the latest vix,am I just lucky.:)Well I can't say that I have had many issues either. I have noticed that there are many more posts from Vu+ users than Xtrend users. Is this because more people have Vu+ receivers or because the Vu+ image is less stable (or both)? 86 builds is a lot of work! Thanks for the efforts.

23-04-12, 16:25
*Most* people don't have issues...they're too busy enjoying their boxes!! I can't say I've ever had an issue either...that said my images are pretty clean with only a small handful of 3rd party plugins!

23-04-12, 16:51
*Most* people don't have issues...they're too busy enjoying their boxes!! I can't say I've ever had an issue either...that said my images are pretty clean with only a small handful of 3rd party plugins!

YMMV but my Vix 2.3.204 has absolutely no additions (ie it is totally clean). However, it is unstable with the addition of usb tuners (is it then considered 'unclean'). If I threw them out and only used satellite then I would have a stable system. The advice i have received from various coders (AndyBlac, Gennar1 and others) is that the Vu proprietry firmware is suspect and the Xtrend is less suspect in the way vtuner is handled etc. So there are less posts from the xtrend guys with these problems. There is a lot of change in the OpenPLi usb tuner / vtuner / usbtunerhelper area recently and possibly (I hope wishfully) they'll side step some of the proprietry software embedded in the boxes and thereby improve things. Hopefully VU will fix their side as well.

Sooo... I'm hoping Vix will delay their release sufficiently to pick up the best of what is happening in this area on OpenPLi as well as getting something back from VU...


Anyone who wants frequent updates can go over to OpenPLi (quite a good image) and get nightly builds.


23-04-12, 17:22
I can honestly say that with my own Vu+ Duo ( Hardware revision 1.3 ) i have never had any serious problems with any Image build. if i'm lucky i have 3 plugins installed ontop of the base image unless i'm testing a specific plugins that is.

As for rushing i can assure you now we have never and will never be pressured into a release. ViX after all has a well built reputation for taking our time and releasing only when we feel ready to, we could have been the first to release many new features including a kernel 3.1.1 Vu+ image if we wished but were not about bragging rites. I fully understand that it is very frustration for some of our users who we are asking to be patient but they will see the benefits of our hard work i an absolutely certain of that fact. It is very refreshing however to see users who appreciate all the hard work we put into the image and for that i will say thank you.

23-04-12, 21:13
Hi Guys,

I have made a few posts here and there. My Vu Duo is only 6 weeks old, but using VIX it has never been stable for 48 hours in a row. I have had quite a few Linux boxes (Dox2, DM800, Technmate 800) in my time, so I do know what I'm doing. My DM800 was rock solid and never crashed, but I'm living with my Vu Duo and I do like it. I don't have ANY extra plugins installed, and I have my HDD for recordings and a USB for picons. I've tried quite a few images, but I REALLY want to use VIX! It's really frustrating, but I know I'm not alone! I will say there does seem to be similar issues with other images using the 3.1.1 kernel, but is the problem the kernel or the hardware?


25-04-12, 15:31
I have been using VIX since I got my VU+ some 18 months ago and can honestly say it is the best around. Unfortunately I have experienced some stability issues with this current version and have moved to another image (on a temporary basis) which has been very stable. But I do miss VIX and look forward to the next release which I am confident will be both excellent and stable.

25-04-12, 20:55
Yes it's been frustrating to having the box freeze but what some people do not realise is that the hard work put in by the software developpers is being given to us for FREE.