View Full Version : A [working] download [link] for Muuta streaming server software?

22-04-12, 14:14
Hi all,

Been trying to find a place to download this software but am struggling. Tried registered on a German site but couldn't log on.

Does anyone have a direct download link for the software?


EDIT: Finally got it!

23-04-12, 07:03
Hi all,

Been trying to find a place to download this software but am struggling. Tried registered on a German site but couldn't log on.

Does anyone have a direct download link for the software?


EDIT: Finally got it!

maybe post were you got it to help others if they have the same problem ????

23-04-12, 14:11
can you tell us where did you get it
so that we can also try
Hi all,

Been trying to find a place to download this software but am struggling. Tried registered on a German site but couldn't log on.

Does anyone have a direct download link for the software?


EDIT: Finally got it!

23-04-12, 14:22
please dont post links to other forums, if you have the file by all means upload it here for others to use.

14-07-12, 15:56
Hi all,

Sorry, wasn't getting thread notifications...

I have attached the Muuta program if anyone wants it. It works pretty well, tried it from outside of my LAN on PC via an ADSL connection. Also tried it on my Android phone (directly and tethering to laptop via its mobile data connection) . All work well.

Much better option than using VLC, etc. As you can have full control of the channel listings etc.

Instructions (translated via Google):

http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmuuta%2Bstreaming%2Bserver%26hl%3Den% 26biw%3D1440%26bih%3D775%26prmd%3Dimvns&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=de&twu=1&u=http://wiki.blue-panel.com/index.php/Muuta_Streaming_Server&usg=ALkJrhgs8CXvnXt2kTE7_w-qisnVWK7HeA