View Full Version : New Driver for VU+ (19-08-2010)

19-08-10, 11:33

the latest driver is ok (19-08-2010)

change log:
- Support EOS detection in playback driver
- Fix mp3 playback problem
- Fix "late audio problem" in recording playback.

19-08-10, 11:59
Ver 5.1 Release note

Open Embedded

- Plase take a look at git log

E2 update

- Fix skip funciotn problem when there is a subtitle.
- Fix pause/unpause problem
- Support FF(up to x8) trick mode

Driver update


- Separate gcc 4.4.3 version and 4.1.1 version

- Make screen blank when zapping
- Enhance tuning algorithm
- Support more mkv file formats.
- Fix occasional "no audio" problem in playback
- Fix "late audio play" problem in playback
- Support FF trick mode in playback
- Adjust memory allocation(Solo, needs a kernel update)
- Support DTS Passthrough(Solo)
- Fix vtuner frontend info

Good news is the no audio problem during playback wooohooo.. and support for more mkvs. Wonder how long it will take the development teams to update there images. Is anyone actually using the Vu-plus original image. the first thing I did was put a new image on when I took mine out of the box.

19-08-10, 12:00
How do you add these drivers to your VU+

19-08-10, 12:13
How do you add these drivers to your VU+

FTP them to /lib/modules/2.6.18-7.3/extra/

The directory /2.6.18-73/ could be different now. Also dont use these drivers unless you've updated to the latest official image.

19-08-10, 12:21
Thanks Sicilian so drivers cant be used on the Dream Elite Vu+ Duo BH 1.3.3F?

19-08-10, 12:23
FTP them to /lib/modules/2.6.18-7.3/extra/

The directory /2.6.18-73/ could be different now. Also dont use these drivers unless you've updated to the latest official image.

Im using the open pli 'idiots' image from MAY. How would I go about updating the drivers in my case mate?

19-08-10, 12:39
The Pli team updated the open PLI with new drivers 2 hours ago. You can do an update from the menu, cant think off the top of my head but something like
MENU > System > Update update from the web. Or something to that effect


19-08-10, 13:14
The Pli team updated the open PLI with new drivers 2 hours ago. You can do an update from the menu, cant think off the top of my head but something like
MENU > System > Update update from the web. Or something to that effect


Doubt that they will actually go into the update feed until tomorrow morning after the nightly build.

19-08-10, 13:22
Pli had some problems with nightly builds. Todays build was released one hour ago.

OpenPLi-unstable-vuduo-20100819_usb.zip 19-08-2010 13:12 32.438 Mb

19-08-10, 13:52
The Pli team updated the open PLI with new drivers 2 hours ago. You can do an update from the menu, cant think off the top of my head but something like
MENU > System > Update update from the web. Or something to that effect


Thanks mate, so I can do it that way and I wont get any issues?

I'll give it a go!

19-08-10, 14:59
Thanks mate, so I can do it that way and I wont get any issues?

I'll give it a go!

Backup any configs that you have and your settings/bouquets first.

19-08-10, 15:12
FTP them to /lib/modules/2.6.18-7.3/extra/

The directory /2.6.18-73/ could be different now. Also dont use these drivers unless you've updated to the latest official image.

on aaf it is still named 2.6.18-7.3

i will try loading the drivers in a while and will keep u posted

19-08-10, 15:30
Backup any configs that you have and your settings/bouquets first.

By configs mate do you mean my ccam?

19-08-10, 15:34
By configs mate do you mean my ccam?

Yes if you have a CCcam.cfg in /var/etc

19-08-10, 15:37
Yes if you have a CCcam.cfg in /var/etc

if u r using aaf this would be in /usr/keys

19-08-10, 15:42
if u r using aaf this would be in /usr/keys

He's using OpenPLi, see post 6 of this thread ;) Pay attention :roflmao:

19-08-10, 16:00

was mentioning it for general info :p

just for info too, i have uploaded the drivers into aaf and it is working fine but what is strange is that the folder extra was empty :confused:

19-08-10, 16:03
Yes if you have a CCcam.cfg in /var/etc

Thanks mate, so I basically I go in to var/etc and COPY everything in there just in case!! Then I can drag back over if needed.

Whats aaf by they way?

19-08-10, 16:05
aaf is another team buidling images for the duo as well as other boxes too. same like dream elite "DE"

19-08-10, 16:09
Thanks mate, so I basically I go in to var/etc and COPY everything in there just in case!! Then I can drag back over if needed.

Whats aaf by they way?

Just Copy your CCcam.cfg, thats if you have one setup with a C line or card config, all depends on your setup.

19-08-10, 16:12
Just Copy your CCcam.cfg, thats if you have one setup with a C line or card config, all depends on your setup.

I have mate yes, so I'll backup CCAM.CFG.


19-08-10, 16:38
so then as i'm using the Gigant image, which i based on VTI.

will the drivers work on that image? or shall i suck it and see?

regards: canthackit

19-08-10, 16:40
give it a try cantha
an image change between two changes is not that bad :roflmao:

19-08-10, 17:16
loaded them up unfrotunatley on the MP side of things i was hoping it would solve the problem of having to play an MP3 file first then it will play flac, but nope still got to do that.

just one other thing i tried to upload the file from /tmp but it only loaded it to /lib, so i loaded it manually so should anyone be using the Giant image as well the file path to load manully is slightly differrent to the one the Boss has posted [so on Gigant images the file path is] /lib/modules/2.6.18-7.3/extra.

regards: canthackit

19-08-10, 17:27
loaded them up unfrotunatley on the MP side of things i was hoping it would solve the problem of having to play an MP3 file first then it will play flac, but nope still got to do that.

just one other thing i tried to upload the file from /tmp but it only loaded it to /lib, so i loaded it manually so should anyone be using the Giant image as well the file path to load manully is slightly differrent to the one the Boss has posted [so on Gigant images the file path is] /lib/modules/2.6.18-7.3/extra.

regards: canthackit

this is where the boss said canthackit, can't believe not playing mp3's do this to you :p


19-08-10, 17:41

i was just going to say no your wrong................................i've just read Sic's post properly yep he did say extra, sorry Boss (he said crawling):D

i must try harder to concentrate :rolleyes:

another thing had to reboot my router for some reason it disconected. :rolleyes:

regards: canthackit

19-08-10, 18:35
Just tried these drivers, and finally looks like the audio problem is fully resolved :amen:

Just tried it by pressing the number buttons to go forward/backwards, and it actually does it straight away instead of waiting a while. And the audio starts back straight away also :) Great fix this vu. Many thanks...

19-08-10, 19:26
Yep, nice fix to media player this one. I have the VU-plus support fully loaded Open Pli image and I used the Software update option. Drivers downloaded and installed fine. Recorded films audio plays right away etc.


19-08-10, 19:39
Just tried these drivers, and finally looks like the audio problem is fully resolved :amen:

Just tried it by pressing the number buttons to go forward/backwards, and it actually does it straight away instead of waiting a while. And the audio starts back straight away also :) Great fix this vu. Many thanks...

What image?
Does it play flac?:D

regards: canthackit

19-08-10, 22:11
Using a compiled version of the original image...

Not got any flac files to try... upload one and I'll let you know. But I doubt it :p

20-08-10, 05:11
FOR pooface

there you go mate a flac file Fairport Convention :D

i appriciate the testing;)

regards: canthackit

20-08-10, 07:22
New drivrs out guys:

- Fix trickmode timing-bar display
- Fix remote control key loss problem

Maybe this fixes remote control problems. Sicilian i know you have problems with harmony not powering off/on correctly. This may be THE fix.
What is interesting is that i sent yesterday extensive email to support@vuplus.com about this problem.

I guess they listens to customers!!!!!

20-08-10, 07:26
New drivrs out guys:

- Fix trickmode timing-bar display
- Fix remote control key loss problem

Maybe this fixes remote control problems. Sicilian i know you have problems with harmony not powering off/on correctly. This may be THE fix.
What is interesting is that i sent to support@vuplus.com extensive email about this problem.

I guess they listens to customers!!!!!

They do listen, I got a reply back from Alex a couple of days ago informing me that they where working on the issue ;)

I just need to find time to play with my Duo again now :D

20-08-10, 07:32
They just need to fix recording problem. Some channels cant be recorded and this is THE issue from the beginning. Someone on german forum figured it out that number of PIDs may be indeed the main problem.

I just email them AGAIN, i hope they will try to fix it.

20-08-10, 08:56
Remote is not fixed :/

20-08-10, 09:05
Remote is not fixed :/

Send an email to Alex advising of this. Btw what image are you using to test?

20-08-10, 09:26
openPLi, i got this email back

Dear Customer,

Sorry for the inconvenience of remote control.
We are looking into this problem with high priority.
We will try to fix this issue in next release.


20-08-10, 12:53
FOR pooface

there you go mate a flac file Fairport Convention :D

i appriciate the testing;)

regards: canthackit


Will download it when I get home and give it a try...

20-08-10, 13:30
i sent an e-mail to alex weeks ago outlining the problems with Media Player, he never even showed me the courtesy of a reply, and as we know nothing of any importance has been fixed.

regards: canthackit

20-08-10, 13:52

Anyone seeing glitches (1-2 seconds of pixelation) when playing back recordings (even fta ones).
I have openpli with all online updates upto 10am this morning.
Its very annoying and I might revert to my backup.

Other issues.
There seems to be an issue RWD / FWD as well, when you press OK while say FWD it doesnt always stop there but sometimes further back in the recording.

Anyone else have this. Onestep forwards one step back ???

20-08-10, 14:08
Know how you feel... Sent a few emails with queries and comments and bugs etc, and never had a reply from alex ever. None of the bugs I sent seem to have been fixed properly (if at all, and don't even know whether it's just workarounds from other members I've used to kind of get some of them working...)

20-08-10, 14:21
hi there,i have a problem,when i unzipped .tar.gz drivers and ftp them to lib/modules/extra and restarted my receiver it began to hang on starting menu until i changed the image.and when i ftp them to that address and restart enigma 2 when i type ipkg list in telnet ,i saw that my dvb modules drivers is for 2010/6/11 and not changed to new version
how should i install them???

20-08-10, 14:41
hi there,i have a problem,when i unzipped .tar.gz drivers and ftp them to lib/modules/extra and restarted my receiver it began to hang on starting menu until i changed the image.and when i ftp them to that address and restart enigma 2 when i type ipkg list in telnet ,i saw that my dvb modules drivers is for 2010/6/11 and not changed to new version
how should i install them???

It depends on the image you are using. If it is an oe1.5 based image (vti or dream-elite image), you will not be able to use the newer drivers... That was the reason why it hung ... because the drivers were not compatible with the image you were using.

When you changed the image, you also overwrote the drivers you uploaded (think of putting a new image in to the flash the same as formatting your computer again).

As stated, you need an oe 1.6 based image, of which there are only the original builds and the aaf image. This also works on the pli image as well...

20-08-10, 20:46
FOR pooface

there you go mate a flac file Fairport Convention :D

i appriciate the testing;)

regards: canthackit

Well, downloaded it, put it in my /media/hdd/movie dir, pressed the movie button, file showed up there... Pressed the ok button to play it, and it started playing fine. Only had a few seconds to test it (as was in adverts of corrie ... missus moaned at me enough for trying it then :p).

This was with the latest drivers from today.

One thing that I'm wondering... Does it just not play for you at all?! Or does it show that it's playing, but doesn't play?! Just saying this, as I do not have an amp, so current have it set to downmix the audio. Maybe you could try that setting?!

Anyway, as I said. I just downloaded todays drivers, copied them over to the dir, rebooted the box, pressed movie button, chose the file, and it played :p

21-08-10, 03:03
@ pooface
you put the file in /movies? and it played? Hmmmm

i always create a directory for the music files /media/hdd/music_flac

what happens for me at best on some images not all ie VTI and Gigant are best, for some reason or other i have to play an MP3 file first then it will play flac.

on most other images MP3 will play flac will have none of it.

so if i try what you did and load some flac to /movie and see what happens.

regards: canthackit

21-08-10, 03:14
sorry to say that it didn't play from the /movie folder on the Gigant image 10/08/2010.

i went back to this version as i found that not only did it not play at all but i found it generaly quite buggy.

regards: canthackit

21-08-10, 03:29

i tried to help and test with the AAF i am using now. i downloaded ur file, ftp'ed to the hdd root and another copy in the movies folder.

both files played flawlessly through the media player found in the main menu

i know it will sound weird to yo but it is true :smiley_yup:

21-08-10, 06:03
grt, do you have an amp? Or are you using the downmix to stereo option?

Would be interesting to know whether this could be part of the problem?!

21-08-10, 07:25
Tried an update on PLi yesterday morning and in the evening I noticed the picture on my DUO was distorted and all over the place on all channels. Has anyone had the same issue? A reboot sorted it. I'll keep an eye on it today and see if it comes back

21-08-10, 11:10
grt, do you have an amp? Or are you using the downmix to stereo option?

Would be interesting to know whether this could be part of the problem?!

no poo, don't have an amp and yes i am using the downmix option

21-08-10, 11:28

i run an Amp and therefore do not need the downmix i run AC3 as default.

atm i'm running Gigant latest, flac files play with Merlin but not Media Player.

i think i've erred on the subject matter here, sorry yet again folks, i'll move myself to the appropiate forum on this subject. :nono:

regards: canthackit

23-08-10, 13:08
Remote is not fixed :/

20-08 drivers seem to have fixed the remote issue for me. Tested on an image that we're currently developing.

23-08-10, 13:30
yep, you are right.
Problem only exists few minutes after boot, but then it works ok.


23-08-10, 19:28
How do you know if you've got the new drivers installed.

I'm currently running PLI.
Looking on the Web Interface I get the following information:-

Devicename: dm8000
Enigma Version: OpenPLi 2010-08-17-master
Image Version: openpli-2010-05-21
Frontprozessor Version: VNone
Webinterface Version: 1.6.2

Does this mean the drivers haven't been updated or is just the Image Version name.
I done an On-Line update but the device info hasn't changed at all.