View Full Version : how to change ary digital fta frequency with db edit

17-04-12, 20:52
ary digital 806 which is a fta channel frequency changed yesterday
how can i change its frequency and sid pid with dbedit
its doing my head in
cant seem to do it
i know the bouquet will be updated by silverfox on the first of may
any help thanks

17-04-12, 21:16
why not do a scan on your reciever, then add it to you frav list, delete the old channel, and move the new channel to its place
to do this, first scan the required freq
once its working, get the listing up on screen
press menu
a list of move options will appear, select "add service to bouquet"
go to fravs and place it where you want it,.
then remove old sevice via the same method
then again hi light the new sevice...select "enable move mode"
and move it to your required place in the list

17-04-12, 21:27
Are you sure its FTA afaik its a sub channel

17-04-12, 21:28
how do you do scan just the frequency required on duo
i know the rest to move
i thought i know the new frequency might change it in dbedit

17-04-12, 21:31
select single transponder in service searching, alter the freq to the one you are after, scan, it should then appear in your channel listings under "new" or in services

17-04-12, 21:40
figured it out
by tweaking the box
now all working

17-04-12, 21:41
i had to change clear before scan to 'yes' from 'no' is this right

17-04-12, 21:43
i would leave it at no, for now