View Full Version : Remote Access

18-08-10, 17:06
I'm able to access my VU+ Duo on my home network by logging in to the IP of the receiver.......
But how do I do the same task say from work ?
I have read this guide
The only thing that I have yet to do is....

Configuring the Webinterface on the reciever

First you need to go to your plugins menu. See below...

Click here to enlarge

Next you need to select the 'Webinterface' plugin and you should see the below or very similar.
Click here to enlarge
Here you need to set the below parameters.

a) 'HTTP Port' - It is strongly recommended that the port number 80 is changed to another random number. For this guide i have used port 1222

b) 'Enable HTTP Authentication' - For added security you should enable this so that upon connection to the web interface you will be asked to supply a username and password. (This guide assumes that you have a password set on your box already)

That brings us to the end of the config for the Webinterface.

Is this the part that allows me to log in from another location ? (not on my network)

Thanks in advance.

18-08-10, 17:08
the mentioned part in addition to port forwarding as well.

18-08-10, 17:12
Yes, I'm pretty sure that's configured, I can log onto my router remotely from work to restart it.
So....Do I just need to do this part ?

Configuring the Webinterface on the reciever

First you need to go to your plugins menu. See below...

Click here to enlarge

Next you need to select the 'Webinterface' plugin and you should see the below or very similar.
Click here to enlarge
Here you need to set the below parameters.

a) 'HTTP Port' - It is strongly recommended that the port number 80 is changed to another random number. For this guide i have used port 1222

b) 'Enable HTTP Authentication' - For added security you should enable this so that upon connection to the web interface you will be asked to supply a username and password. (This guide assumes that you have a password set on your box already)

That brings us to the end of the config for the Webinterface.

Thanks for the reply.

18-08-10, 17:16
yes u do for security reasons but u can ignore it and just make sure the webinterface is enabled. from experience u'll need to change the port to anything other than 80 and thus u need to forward this port to the vu ip address...

18-08-10, 23:34
What settings do I need to input into the Webinterface Plugin to allow me to remotely access my VU+ Duo from a remote computer..
And how do I access it when It's set up ?
Do I put this in the browser
myname.dyndns.org:1232 (1232 being the port number)


Thank you

18-08-10, 23:53
1- u have to change the port number in the vu webinterface setting to 1232
2- from your router, u have to forward the port (1232) to the local ip of the vu
3- type myname.dyndns.org:1232 into your browser and u should have the access.

it is recommended if u gonna access the vu remotely to enable authentication.

19-08-10, 12:09
Can I use the same Port Number on the VU that I am currently forwarding on the router for C/S ?
Or do I need to forward another port number ?

Sorry for all the questions.

Thank You.

19-08-10, 12:30
Can this be used to RESTART your ccam too? For example im at work and wish to restart my ccam from there?

19-08-10, 14:08
Can I use the same Port Number on the VU that I am currently forwarding on the router for C/S ?
Or do I need to forward another port number ?

Nothing to be sorry for at all, everybody is welcome and needs to ask to learn :D

i would say you need to forward another port other than that used for C/S

Can this be used to RESTART your ccam too? For example im at work and wish to restart my ccam from there?

it can be used through the webinterface in two ways.

1- restart enigma2: webinterface> box control> power control
2- through webremote: webinterface> box control> remote control and according to ur image u can restart it as if u r home using the real remote control

19-08-10, 15:35
Nothing to be sorry for at all, everybody is welcome and needs to ask to learn :D

i would say you need to forward another port other than that used for C/S

it can be used through the webinterface in two ways.

1- restart enigma2: webinterface> box control> power control
2- through webremote: webinterface> box control> remote control and according to ur image u can restart it as if u r home using the real remote control

Thanks mate. Is this easier than using 'putty' then for example? It seems it! I've not tired putty yet by the way...

***By the way, I can view my bouquets, but cannot access anything else when I type in my dyndns username**** I take it this will change once I have followed the guide to forward port 1222 etc in my router?

19-08-10, 16:04
i am sorry but i can't get this "Is this easier than using 'putty' then for example"

putty is a telnet client so what does it have to do with webinterface.

19-08-10, 16:06
i am sorry but i can't get this "Is this easier than using 'putty' then for example"

putty is a telnet client so what does it have to do with webinterface.

I have no idea neither mate! I've just heard that 'putty' can be used to restart ccam externally. SO I was wondering if the 'web interface' as instructed here is easier for a newbie like me!?

19-08-10, 16:09
well it is possible but for me webinterface is much easier (the preparation need to use putty is a hassle for me)

19-08-10, 16:13
well it is possible but for me webinterface is much easier (the preparation need to use putty is a hassle for me)

With you saying that, then webinterface it is for me then mate! I wont bother with putty. Too many crazy numbers! LOL

19-08-10, 19:08
Cant get this to work.

Ok in my modem I have two options to forward port which I have to type numbers in to both... - PUBLIC PORT AND PRIVATE PORT.

Now on v+ duo I have




Both are ticket to YES. I have made a number other than '80' but I still cannot login when i type my dns address : number I have forwaded port to!

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? I have the modem MSI RG54G3


20-08-10, 01:38
I'll take a stab at this. I can only approach it from a general direction since I don't YET have my Vu+.

The Vu+ can still listen on the default port 80 - that's no big deal as it is on your side of the firewall. The modem must be set to forward a port number you decide on (say 1234 - whatever) specified in incoming connections to port 80 on the IP address of your Vu+ on your local network.

From the remote location, enter whatever the IP number or DN for your modem is, and port 1234. The modem will forward that to port 80 in the Vu+.

Authentication is always a good idea.

20-08-10, 09:30
I'll take a stab at this. I can only approach it from a general direction since I don't YET have my Vu+.

The Vu+ can still listen on the default port 80 - that's no big deal as it is on your side of the firewall. The modem must be set to forward a port number you decide on (say 1234 - whatever) specified in incoming connections to port 80 on the IP address of your Vu+ on your local network.

From the remote location, enter whatever the IP number or DN for your modem is, and port 1234. The modem will forward that to port 80 in the Vu+.

Authentication is always a good idea.

Thanks mate, so to confirm- what do I put in to the below boxes
HTTP PORT -- Is this '1234' for example ????



And in my modem settings do I use the below
PUBLIC PORT-- 1234 (for examlpe) AND PRIVATE PORT 80 ??

20-08-10, 10:13
Guys, i would use 'HTTP Port'. Set to your desired port number and also 'Enable HTTP Authentication' to yes.

The above will enure that you enter the username root and your vu duo password to get access to the Web interface.

Yes you can have port 1234 you would then need to set up the 'Virtual Service' or 'Port forward' (This can be labelled differently on router to router - Different manufacturers lebel it differently). Mines says 'Virtual Service'. You need to forward tcp port to port 1234. The ok the settings.

Once done...

Go to your browser....


In the case of 1234...


Hope this helps.

PS..... i see what you mean by accessing through putty. Basically you would then be creating a ssh session to your box. I havent figured out a way of doing this remotely but would love to know myself if it is possible.

20-08-10, 10:58
Guys, i would use 'HTTP Port'. Set to your desired port number and also 'Enable HTTP Authentication' to yes.

The above will enure that you enter the username root and your vu duo password to get access to the Web interface.

Yes you can have port 1234 you would then need to set up the 'Virtual Service' or 'Port forward' (This can be labelled differently on router to router - Different manufacturers lebel it differently). Mines says 'Virtual Service'. You need to forward tcp port to port 1234. The ok the settings.

Once done...

Go to your browser....


In the case of 1234...


Hope this helps.

PS..... i see what you mean by accessing through putty. Basically you would then be creating a ssh session to your box. I havent figured out a way of doing this remotely but would love to know myself if it is possible.

Thanks mate, so do I select 'NO' to the HTTP 'S' OPTION? BUT YES TO THE 'HTTP' OPTION?

And on my router I also have 'virtual server' but what do I put in PUBLIC PORT and what do I put in PRIVATE PORT?

I fear I may be getting nubers the wrong way around!

20-08-10, 11:18
yes select NO to HTTP "S" option

for both the private and pubic port but the same number for example 1234

20-08-10, 11:21
here you go bob....

thanks to OP

This is a script i put together a while back to check if cccam is up and running on my DM500s using pli jade.

Use: If cccam is running nothing is done, if cccam is unresponsive it is restarted.

How to implement:

Telnet to your dreambox ip , i use Putty as my connection manager on Windows as its free and does the job perfectly.

Once you log into your dreambox ,decide where you want to place the script. I put it in /var/bin/

cd /var/bin/
vi CCcamCheck.sh
Insert the below code into the file CCcamCheck.sh


ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c CCcam >/dev/null ; then
cd /tmp/
wget http://$USER:$PASS@$HOST:$PORT ; then
rm /tmp/index.html
echo "$(date) wget ok .... CCcam is up and running"
echo "wget not ok trying to kill CCcam"
if killall CCcam > /dev/null ; then
echo "$(date) CCcam Killed"
if /bin/CCcam > /dev/null ; then
sleep 10;
echo "$(date) Cccam Restarted"
if ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c CCcam >/dev/null ; then
cd /tmp/
wget http://$USER:$PASS@$HOST:$PORT ; then
rm /tmp/index.html
echo "$(date) wget ok .... CCcam is up and running"

I chose to use the VI text editor in the above example but the file can be ftpd to your chosen directory.

Make sure the above code is changed to meet your needs.

Once the file is in place

chmod +x CCcamCheck.sh

To make the file executable.

At this point you should be able to test the script by issuing the following.

which should output the following

Connecting to[]:16001
index.html 100% |************************************************* ************************************************** *******| 972 --:-- ETA
Fri Feb 19 16:45:58 CET 2010 wget ok .... CCcam is up and running
If not open up the script and try to debug.

If the output is ok. You will have to add the job to root crontab. So the check is run every X min.

First off i had to start the cron deamon. In pli jade i did this by doing the following:

Blue button > System Settings > Services to run > <Ticked> Start Crond and Saved
To check if crond has started use this command.

ps aux | grep -i cron
and it should display the following.

root@dm500 /var/bin # ps aux | grep -i cron
80 root 636 S crond
19056 root 440 S grep -i cron
PID 80 is the crond process which confirms it is up and running.
PID 19056 is the ps aux | grep -i cron process id which can be ignored.

Now that crond is running.

We have to create a file called root in:

vi /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
and insert the following.

*/1 * * * * /var/bin/CCcamCheck.sh >> /tmp/CCcamCheck.log 2>&1
This runs the script every one min

*/1 * * * *
The script to be run is

And a log file is created in


That should be it.

Once everything is in place, this script should work fine "To my knowledge"

You can always check what is happening by tailing the log file

tail -f /tmp/CCcamCheck.log

20-08-10, 12:12
Thanks mate, so do I select 'NO' to the HTTP 'S' OPTION? BUT YES TO THE 'HTTP' OPTION?

And on my router I also have 'virtual server' but what do I put in PUBLIC PORT and what do I put in PRIVATE PORT?

I fear I may be getting nubers the wrong way around!

There are a couple of different approaches being promoted here, so it's getting a bit confusing.
First, I concur that the option you use should be HTTP, not HTTPS. I don't see how HTTPS could work unless you arrange an SSL certificate from somewhere, another issue entirely.

Next, I was suggesting that there was no need to use a port other than the default 80 on the link between the modem and the Vu+ since that is private anyway.
Others are suggesting that as well as using a non-standard port for inbound HTTP traffic (that is, something other than 80; say 1234), you forward that inbound traffic to a non-standard port on your own network (could be anything, doesn't have to be 1234). If you do that, you'll have to configure the Vu+ to listen on that port instead of the default 80.

1)Here's how it would work in the standard manner:
Remote client -->HTTP traffic on port 80 for the IP of your modem --> Your modem forwarding port 80 from outside to port 80 on your LAN --> your Vu+ listening on 80

2)Here's how it could work if you just obscure the external port being used:
Remote client -->HTTP traffic on port 1234 for the IP of your modem --> Your modem forwarding port 1234 from outside to port 80 on your LAN --> your Vu+ listening on 80

3)Here's how it could work if you obscure the external port being used, and, for some reason, choose to use a non-standard port for Vu+ traffic on your LAN:
Remote client -->HTTP traffic on port 1234 for the IP of your modem --> Your modem forwarding port 1234 from outside to, say port 5678 on your LAN --> your Vu+ listening on 5678

1 is least secure as 'hackers' would look for port 80 being open for HTTP traffic.
2 is marginally safer, but your real security comes from the authentication.
3 would be used if you have multiple web servers on your LAN (one of which would be the Vu+) and you want to be able to direct traffic from outside to a specific server.

That's my understanding of port forwarding, but I don't claim to be an expert.

20-08-10, 13:25
Thanks guys, I'll have another go tonight then!

20-08-10, 13:32
more so being able to get a ssh connection remotely would be nice....

20-08-10, 17:09
I've finally connected!

Thanks guys. I take it now when im away from home, I can 'RESTART ENIGMA 2' and this will also restart my ccam????

20-08-10, 17:52
How do I set a password on the VU+ Duo Webinterface....It keeps asking me for one when I try to log on using yourname.homelinux.com:1222 from my neighbours PC.
If I leave it blank and press submit it goes to a blank screen with done in the bottom left, I have checked the port using OPen Port Check Tool, and it says my port is open.
Any ideas ?


20-08-10, 18:24

20-08-10, 19:19
I can access it from my LAN using http://VU IP:Port/
But not from my neighbours PC....I have left the....Enable HTTP Authentication to No
And not yet set a password.....Is this correct ? Or do I need to set a password on the VU Duo first of all ?
How do I set a password ?


20-08-10, 20:14
I have been reading this post.

But I was wondering what this was refering to ?

20-08-10, 21:43
this is a hypothetical number for the router ip for the OP.

have u changed ur password using telnet. is this image loaded by you or your receiver came configured and loaded

21-08-10, 16:32
Thanks to you all.....You know who you are.....I'm sorted now, I was getting my : and my / mixed up....All working well.

Thanks for all the help.