View Full Version : Lost Satellite Information

12-04-12, 08:48
Hi all. Been using a Vu+ Duo now since January with the latest Vix image and am so far loving it. I’ve managed to get the box setup more or less how I want it with the help of the forums here so many thanks to everyone already! Still a few bits and pieces to tweak but on the hole i’m not far off.

I currently have a motorised dish using USALS and Silverfoxe0786 28.2 bouquets along with a custom satellites.xml file containing the satellites I require. I still haven’t managed to figure out how to store satellite positions but when I want to watch a channel on a different satellite I use the ‘Satellite Positioner’ option under ‘Service Searching’ to move the dish. To change to the channel I want I press the ‘TV’ button and then the ‘Satellites’ (Green) button. From there I select the satellite I want and navigate to the channel I require.

This has been working fine for viewing channels on 28.2e, 16e, 19.2e, 13e, etc. Basically everything I need.

My problem occurred last night when I replaced the Silverfox bouquet with the latest Catseye channel bouquets. I must stress that I’m very cautious about doing these things so I always make a backup of my settings before I attempt anything, just in case!

For one reason or another I didn’t like the look and feel of the Catseye bouquet so I reloaded the Silverfox ones back (again with my custom satellites.xml file). This is where my problem occurred as now when I press the ‘TV’ button and then the ‘Satellites’ (Green) button I only get Silverfox 0786 28.2 folders (3 of them) . This means I now can’t access services on any other satellites except 28.2e. I also have tried a restore of my settings from the backup I created before the install of Catseye but again no joy.

I can’t see what I’m going wrong to now only have access to 28.2e from my Satellites button. Any help would be much appreciated.

Sorry for rambling but I want to make sure I give as much info as I can.

Rob van der Does
12-04-12, 08:57
When using USALS you can't store satellite positions. Soring positions is for when you are not using USALS. And there's no need for it: the box 'knows' where they are and hence where to go.
Basically in tunerconfig you should assign only one LNB (let's say 'LNB 1') to all the satellites you want to be able to visit. Setup 'LNB 1' for USALS and that's all!

12-04-12, 10:52
Thanks for the reply Rob. I will have a play tonight.

I'm new to all this but gradually getting there!