View Full Version : 2 issues playing on my mind

17-08-10, 20:02
can anyone explain to me why open pli images give better video quality than other images.could it be because they use a much more advanced enigma o.e. system?

also,i have the kathrein ufs 910 and the video quality is far better (using kathrein original firmware) than the vuplus .why should this be? i thought marysus make vuplus and kathrein ufs 910 or could the problem be the enigma software.i know when i put enigma2 on kathrein,the video quality becomes very poor

why dont manufacturers make receivers with good picture quality like the nokia 9600s, samsung 9500vaci etc

i love vuplus as it is the best rec i have ever had.i just wish the video quality could be as good as kathrein.the video enhancement plugin is a gimmick i think

i thought i need to get this off my chest as it has been bothering me for a long time.

17-08-10, 22:04
open pli images are not more advanced, as i understand things, in fact, the opposite, they are simpler, and there fore better (but non of this info i am posting is based on knowing, but guessing)

think we have chatted before, as far as the kathy goes, yes true...better piccys, no surport


18-08-10, 16:35
Hi mate

What basilyoung says is right the open pli image is more basic than other images but i must disagree with your comment of picture quality of the vu+ over the Kathrein. I sold my kathrein to purchase a vu+ and i can only state my opinion that the vu+ is slighty better if you check out the astra HD demo channel @ 19e with the duo the pictures are something else. Alot really depends on the broadcaster i have always found the new animated films look good in HD bold colours and bright.
