View Full Version : [VU+ Uno] SNR 0% for some HD channels that used to work before

08-04-12, 01:42

Sometimes, I have troubles to have the HD channels displayed, and the SNR is 0%. These channels used to work before. Does anyone know what this is caused by ? I'm really suspecting a misfunctionning from the tuner, that happens with some special channels.


08-04-12, 01:45
what unit are you using?

ok...its an uno

08-04-12, 01:46
Do you mean what receiver ? It is a VU+ UNO.

08-04-12, 01:47
first, i would check the coax cable/F connectors/lnb

08-04-12, 01:48
You sure the frequency of the channel just hasn't changed?

Try re-scanning or upload an up-to-date channel list and see if available then..

08-04-12, 01:50
Yes, sure the frequency didn't change. This kind of problems did happen to me before. I will check my connectors, etc... but why does this happen only sometimes, and only for a few channels ?

08-04-12, 01:58
it could be that your dish alignment is slightly out
if the pole is slightly off perpendicular you could get a weak signal, due to the signal being reflected to the left or right of your lnb
ie, on 1 west, bbc world gives a strong sig,..on a 1 mtr dish, sig should be near 100% ( euro beam )
if nordic beam, sigs could be as low as 57%

weather conditions would make the problem more apparent

08-04-12, 02:07
Your explanations reminded me that yesterday was a rainy day. So you are probably right. I will check my dish alignement tomorrow morning. Many thanks guys !

08-04-12, 02:10
let us know the conclusions, if any, and welcome to the forum :thumbsup:

08-04-12, 02:15
Thanks again :) I'm really happily surprised by this forum. I had two major issues for months now. Today, I installed the Vix image, but still have the same issues. I posted on the forum, and had very quick replies to my main issues. Great work guys !

08-04-12, 06:07
Also make sure your receiver is upto date and upgrade the very latest FPGA as this is the firmware for want of a better word that flashes and controls the chip for your tuner card.

08-04-12, 17:41
Hello Again,

Unfortunately, I didn't succeed to make SNR better :( I have tried changing the position of the Dish (changed horizontal and vertical positions). I'm quite sure that I have done the FPGA update using the original image from VU+ team. I have tried to do it again, but instead of the FPGA upgrade plugin, I find a Firmware upgrade plugin, and this one says "can't find MD5 file"... So I still have no better results.

Are there some logs that I might enable to know more about the tuner lock ?

08-04-12, 18:18
Are you able to check your reciever on another working dish as this will tell you wether the fault lies with your receiver or your dish setup.

I suspect your LNB may need replacing.

08-04-12, 18:35
It is probably easier for me to test with a new LNB that I would have bought, than taking my receiver to somewhere else... I will see how much it would cost to replace the LNB.

10-04-12, 20:47
I had the exact problem with my Uno.
Actually it is the tuner iteself somehow 'failing' to receive some high frequencies (for ie the new frequencies of SKY Italia HD channels)

What I did to fix it:

A) Download the latest satellites.xml and placed to the respective folder of your Vu+Uno

B) Upgrade the FPGA as per the detailed steps below:

1. Using USB Memory Stick
Step 1) Download the data file from the link below.
Step 2) Save the data file into USB memory stick.
Step 3) Attach the USB memory stick to your Vu+ box.
Step 4) ‘Restart GUI’ or ‘Restart’ your box
Step 5) Enter into Menu window by pressing ‘Menu’ button.
Step 6) Select ‘Plugins’ item from the Menu and press ‘OK’
Step 7) Select ‘FPGA Upgrade’ plugin and press ‘OK’ button.
Step 8) Move to the folder where your data file locates and select
the data file. (TS_PRO.dat)
Step 9) Press ‘OK’ button or press ‘Green’ button, then you will
find the dialog box as below
Step 10) Select ‘Yes’ and press ‘OK’ button.
Step 11) Wait until you see the dialog box as below.


Step 12) ‘Restart’ your box.

2. Via Internet
Step 1) Select ‘Plugins’ item from the Menu and press ‘OK’
Step 2) Select ‘FPGA Upgrade’ plugin and press ‘OK’ button.
Step 3) Start downloading by pressing ‘Blue’ button.
Step 4) Move to the ‘/tmp’ folder where your data file locates and
select the data file. (TS_PRO.dat)
Step 5) Press ‘OK’ button or press ‘Green’ button, then you will
find the dialog box as below.
Step 6) Select ‘Yes’ and press ‘OK’ button.
Step 7) Wait until you see the dialog box as below.


Step 8) ‘Restart’ your box.

C) download the latest Enigma 2 settings and upload them to ur box.

D) Perform a full rescan


30-09-12, 20:23
same problem

02-10-12, 06:26
same problem

If your using a new image with the newest drivers you must also update the FPGA as this programs the chip that controls the tuner card.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

02-10-12, 07:44
If your using a new image with theatwst drivers you must also update the FPGA as this programs rue chip Dora the tinker card.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

gotta love that text correction on mobile :D

02-10-12, 07:58
gotta love that text correction on mobile :D

lol yeah you and me both.

gona correct it now.

21-10-12, 22:37
thanks for the reply, but i did all of that and doesn't changed , problem still continued..

27-11-12, 11:19
I had the same problem and was looking on the net to find a solution and found this post.

Following that I called the guy who sold me my VU+ solo and he sorted this out for me in a 5 minute phone call!!

I have blackhole software installed, this is what I recall he told me to do:

He told me to go to my startup free to air service (in my case rete 4 on 13 east) and asked me to press OK twice and to tell him what the SNR was.

When I told him it was 36% he exclaimed it was really low.

He told me to press menu, go to setup, if I recall well positioner setup and then to go on "fine motor movement"

He told me to start moving the dish one step each time using the green button (probably west). He told me to do these movements one by one so he could count how many steps west/east I did. With every step, the SNR was getting stronger. Once it reached a peak, he told me to exit and when the receiver asks if I want to go zap back to the previous setting to say yes.

Now my motor is set on USALS. He told me to go in a menu (can't recall where) where you set the longitude and latitude of the dish. Based on what he had counted, he told me to change the longitude from 13.5 to 14.5 and to save.

He then told me to try going on an HD channel and hey presto, it worked!

Hope this helps someone, I registered for this forum (my first post) purely to tell you this cause I was really annoyed to lose all my HD channels

07-12-12, 20:57
I also this issue several HD channels on 13E wont open and I get tuner failed, any suggestions I've got a VU+ Duo Kernel 3.1.1 Drivers 28-Jun-12 Vix 2.4 build 213.

I have noticed that SNR has dropped quite alot on SD channels as well? Any suggestions?

07-12-12, 21:13
I also this issue several HD channels on 13E wont open and I get tuner failed, any suggestions I've got a VU+ Duo Kernel 3.1.1 Drivers 28-Jun-12 Vix 2.4 build 213.

I have noticed that SNR has dropped quite alot on SD channels as well? Any suggestions?
Update to 3.0.x, will be a lot easier to get help.

31-05-13, 16:43
On my father's DUO we are experiencing this issue only on the frequency 10853 H.
The receiver is on Vix 3.0 build 668.

What shall I do?

01-06-13, 06:50
On my father's DUO we are experiencing this issue only on the frequency 10853 H.
The receiver is on Vix 3.0 build 668.

What shall I do?

well it would help if we knew which satellite your talking about first.

01-06-13, 09:40
well it would help if we knew which satellite your talking about first.

Shame in me 😱
As I was following the previous post in which it was reporting the same issue on the same satellite I did only specify the affected frequency.
It is a Hotbird 13e frequency

03-06-13, 19:26
Updates for my situation:
today we checked the LNB on the motorized dish. We discovered that it was slightly skewed (less than 5 degrees). It seems that this little rotation caused the loss of signal on the HotBird 10853 H frequency. Now it's at about 67% and it's fine. (This transponder is used by Sly Italy for +1 channels).

so for Judge do check your LNB to verify if it has somehow moved from its optimal focus and rotation.