View Full Version : If images are not free, will you donate/pay!!!

17-08-10, 14:41
As title say it, will you pay/donate for images to support the developing teams?

Talking about the concept here, not the amount, duration or anything else rather than the concept :)

17-08-10, 14:44
Teams wouldn't really be allowed to charge anyway, since this goes against the gnu license ;) (afaik :p)

17-08-10, 14:45
I voted yes and would happily/pay donate to the teams. I've donated to PLi in the past and will most likely donate to them again ;)

Maybe a donation option should be added to the poll ;)

17-08-10, 14:48
I was thinking about a donate as a different option... Since then it isn't charging :p

17-08-10, 14:48
hope it is better by now :D

17-08-10, 14:57
Personally I don't see why more peeps don't have a go at making images themselves. You'd be surprised to see how easy it is to build your own OpenPLi image. Some great info here: -


17-08-10, 15:41
i already donated to openpli. I think that donations are ok.

17-08-10, 18:25
Presuming this is based on the other post about DE, I don't think money would solve their problems.

Unless they were all making enough to give up full time work (which would be very very unlikely), from what I understand, there simply aren't enough hours in the day for them to keep on doing what they have been doing, hence what started out as enjoyment has now become a burden to them.

Or to put it another way, I fix many friends PC's, while I love tinkering with my own PC, I don't enjoy fixing theirs (especially when they ignore my advice or turn off anti virus software etc then expect my help to fix), I fix theirs as they're good friends and that's what friends do. However they often tell me one of their friends has a problem and can I look at their PC, I always say no. They always say "He'' pay you for it" and I always reply "If I wanted to run a full time PC repair shop, I'd start one up, but I don't"

I imagine for the DE team it started out a bit like andyblac's new skin, he starts out doing it for enjoyment, but if in 6 months time he was getting constant hassle from people asking him when he's updating it, demanding to know exact times and demanding it's done for their image, he'd soon reach the point where he's had enough, regardless of whether people pay or not.

17-08-10, 18:26
Of course NO.

It is violation against the whole GNU community and license, Linux is NOT commercial.

17-08-10, 19:16
I wouldnt have a problem donating ,

17-08-10, 19:37
Well I surport any team/board via donations in a modest way, as yet, I have not donated to any team though, but would do, if I was pleased with the image, and the thought (till now has not) had crossed my mind

my thinking is simple, with out the surport of image writers, forums, most of us would be no where

but having said that, donations should be given because you want to give, not because you have too (donations should,nt be confused with buying a service)


Mr. Mister
17-08-10, 20:54
I also would be happy to donate to the DE Team for the brilliant work that they do..

It also piss`*s me off when i see members of forums asking for a new image.. It really beats me why they are asking for a new one..

What is wrong with the latest release.. ????

Thats what i want to know..

18-08-10, 16:42

I voted to pay on condition that in return you get backup for any problems that one may come across with the image right now one has to post a bug in the hope that the developer looks at this problem and acts upon it.


18-08-10, 20:19
With the amount of effort, hours, work, and time involved that must go into these builds, (I would not like to think of the total number). I would be more than happy to donate towards any image.
Some people tend to think they have a right to get things free in life, without any consideration for others that put all the work in.

18-08-10, 21:48
yes but some pepole didint have much cash

18-08-10, 21:57
at least it is there, so if they can, welcome. if not, they had the excuse ;)

Mr. Mister
18-08-10, 22:20
yes but some pepole didint have much cash

This does not add up.. !!!! .. You have £375.00 to buy a VU+ Duo but you would not have a few quid to donate to the team.. ????

Thats nothing to do with members not having the cash.. Thats what i would call people being a tight arse`s.. !!!!!

18-08-10, 22:26
Thats nothing to do with members not having the cash.. Thats what i would call people being a tight arse`s.. !!!!!

u can't say this, a lot of people would be saving much to get the box. u can't ask everybody to have some spare cash to donate. it is called "donation" and this is something done at free will.

18-08-10, 22:28
This does not add up.. !!!! .. You have £375.00 to buy a VU+ Duo but you would not have a few quid to donate to the team.. ????

Thats nothing to do with members not having the cash.. Thats what i would call people being a tight arse`s.. !!!!!

Well, I feel this comment is a little harsh,
I have seen peeps buying various sat units at computer fairs, clearly broke, looking for cheap alternitives, to ruppy vision,
times are tight for a lot of peeps, donations are what they are, as I posted earlier, donations are different to buying a service, its given freely, with no strings or rights sttached

19-08-10, 04:48
u can't say this, a lot of people would be saving much to get the box. u can't ask everybody to have some spare cash to donate. it is called "donation" and this is something done at free will.

yes i have £375.00 to buy a VU+ Duo im not against surporting of image ok but who care

times are tight for a lot of peeps, in the all world donations are what they are

donat for flood victims in Pakistan hos not having water or food and eny one ho need help thats whats really matter

19-08-10, 05:40
This topic has had some interesting point/views, now please can we keep this topic that way and refrain from calling members 'tight', remember a donation is exactly that :)

Mr. Mister
19-08-10, 09:00
I am sorry for my comments.. I was a little extreme..

I was merely making a point that people can spend £375.00 on a Duo.. or even worse.. £800.00+ on a DM8000 and they would not make a donatition of £ 2-3 when it comes to the image..

If everyone were to donate even just £1.00.. then i believe that you would end up with the best image on the planet due to the Image team being able to spend more time on the image and have all bugs ironed out.. The people who moan about the speed of a new image realease are the ones who would not donate..

19-08-10, 09:37
I think one thing people need to remember is that it actually costs the image teams to provide us with images. Their hosting, forum licensing etc.. all costs money. I know what it costs to keep this place afloat! I dread to think what it costs the PLi team to run their setup, the bandwidth they use must be massive!