View Full Version : [VU+ Uno] Vu Uno with latest Vix Image: intermittent audio stopping and picture flicker

07-04-12, 18:38
Hey Vix Team,

First of all i have to say is that what a great image you provide and the support you give!

My problem is that for the last few days am having a problem with the audio where it intermittently stop for a few seconds while their is a clear picture which make me think its not an external issue.

Also there is flicker which happens intermittently as well and its like a black flicker. Note that the flicker and sound issue does not happen at the same time and i do not think its a external issue as any external issue will cause pixelation.

Please could anyone help because this is really annoying.


07-04-12, 19:08
There are a couple of things we could suggest but we would need a bit more information about your particular setup. one thing you could try is to upgrade the FPGA on the receiver.

08-04-12, 15:46
Thanks for the reply.

How would i go around upgrading the FPGA?