View Full Version : No more images from DE?

17-08-10, 14:12
Matrix10 from DE team:

I get really angry when I see such speculation.An absolute lie.

I speak in my name not in the name of team,

We give support to those we want
we are not employees of one of these companies.
So we do not have in this case, no liability
for exclusive support.

Our team will decide after the holidays
if and how it will continue further work ..

But already I can tell we can not provide support for a dozen boxes
with such frequency and with the support on the forum on the basis of a hobby.

We will soon have almost 10 HD boxes .If we have only 3 image per year
that's 30 images a year.
We talk abt 30 images a year to make include testing ,skins,plugins,addon server
and forum support e.t.c

It is no longer a hobby but a 24-hour job.

So at this moment I have no definitive answer to your questions
and all the rest are pure speculation.

17-08-10, 14:16
I completely understand them. Problem is that their images are very complex and making them isnt easy. Especially when you must make them for many E2 boxes.

That is why i believe that future is in opensource OpenPLi (not very complex) image where we are getting constant updates. Soon we will get OpenPLi 2.0 which should be even better.

17-08-10, 14:22
I think we will have to wait and see what happens with them. I personally use either VTI or PLi as their image's use newer Enigma 2. Also OpenPLi is far easier to keep upto date.

17-08-10, 14:37
but their images have a different taste ;)

i think the main issue is of people who keep asking and pm'ing about the new image, when will it be how will it be....etc
especially it is a hobby as he said and they are not paid to do it.
People know in such cases, the new image is here when it is here
or else they may have nothing at all

17-08-10, 19:22
I completely understand were Matrix10 is coming from .. and at the end of the day its up Him and the DE team which if any images they continue to support .

17-08-10, 19:48
the bottom line here is, any linux based unit is produced TM/DB and so on, sales depend on surport = teams such as DE improving those sales, so the industry needs to surport peeps that surport them

it must be annoying as well. to write an image, only to find that a few peeps, want the next image, or this is missing, thats missing, and rarely a thank you to the team, let alone direct surport from the likes of db/tm


18-08-10, 17:56
It is no longer a hobby but a 24-hour job.

When DE started taking free boxes from DMM & VU then it sort of became a payed hobby, so they can not really complain too loudly although they do when their free boxes dont arrive.

Top group they are but if they are too busy then they brought it on themselves.

18-08-10, 20:20
When DE started taking free boxes from DMM & VU then it sort of became a payed hobby, so they can not really complain too loudly although they do when their free boxes dont arrive.

Top group they are but if they are too busy then they brought it on themselves.

I do kind of agree with you there... If they are to are hapypy to take free boxes, then that is a kind of payment for their services... What we do not know, is what was agreed between the manufacturers, and the teams... They previously knocked out images for the dm800 10 to the dozen. They were just as quick when the 8000 came out. It's only since the 500 and vu came that they've been slower... I think it's fine they're not knocking out boxes that quick. Not like the vu developers have knocked out loads of images.... It's just the people whining wanting the image to come. Can understand to some extent, especially when the image has a lot of useful features, when a new image comes out from the manufacturers that offer good features, people want the new features with the dream features...

18-08-10, 20:27
One thing I think I should point out here, I know for a fact that the DE team never got any prototypes of the VU+ Solo or even any free Solo's at launch. So don't think they just get free stuff all the time ;)

18-08-10, 20:30
One thing I think I should point out here, I know for a fact that the DE team never got any prototypes of the VU+ Solo or even any free Solo's at launch. So don't think they just get free stuff all the time ;)

Would that not just be the reason why they never released any image for it though?! ;)

18-08-10, 21:52
well i'd say
if u can test and still there are bugs, so imagine if u can't then :confused:

20-08-10, 18:11
When DE started taking free boxes from DMM & VU then it sort of became a payed hobby, so they can not really complain too loudly although they do when their free boxes dont arrive.

Top group they are but if they are too busy then they brought it on themselves.

Yes i personally hate these teams that can't oblige to the open source free spirit community but that want bribes and money for stuff.

This is expected of course from DE team as they nagged about free Vu+ Duo boxes 6 months ago in their forum, they got free boxes but that wasn't enough obviously, now they nag again and want more, they are just in for the money.

Funny though that they will continue supporting Dreambox, probably because DMM pays them and also pays them to stay out from Vu+.

guff daddy
20-08-10, 18:19
because DMM pays them and also pays them to stay out from Vu+.

You know this for a fact? Otherwise this is libel, I believe...

20-08-10, 20:14
You know this for a fact? Otherwise this is libel, I believe...

Has happened before and i would not be surprised if it happened again, it's DMMs way of taking out the competition, seen this kind of behaviour before with other teams, a new linux box comes along and everyone jumps onto it and after a few months they drop off with the same excuse as DE, just watch IPBOX, Triple Dragon etc...

You may ask why DE continue to support DM? why not drop DM instead as VU+ is obviously a superior box, it's all fishy as you all know.

20-08-10, 20:30
@ Livkid, please keep this to actual known fact's.

20-08-10, 21:05

Even as a newbie I think that DE team has made a good job earlier...and now.
Just let those people do what they want.It`s up to their decision.Who they support or not.

20-08-10, 21:38
just an opinion on this:

i think vu is somehow related to DMM as to release their box but with limitation. I am saying this coz of the following:

with the original images from vu, the webinterface says this is a "DM8000" and the dreambox remote was used. how come their team didn't program and modify this up till now although it has been done easily by users.
the vu is capable of PIP but can't put it in the image or else the 8000 wil loose all what it might be leading with.

these are my only personal opinions...

20-08-10, 21:57
@ Grt, the Duo is NOT capable of PIP, theres a thread here somewhere that explains all. Only reason there's Dreambox images in Enigma 2 is becuase when Enigma 2 started is was mainly used on Dreambox only.

20-08-10, 22:00
yeah i know the thread Sic, but as i understand it
if u r capable of playing a channel on tv and another one one ur pc then there must be a way to get both on tv at the same time.

20-08-10, 22:41
yeah i know the thread Sic, but as i understand it
if u r capable of playing a channel on tv and another one one ur pc then there must be a way to get both on tv at the same time.

To get both on the tv at the same time, would require a hardware chip that allows it. The processor just isn't capable to allow it to be controlled by software. Hence the reason why there is no pip...

And, as sic says, enigma was primarily designed (and probably even the original dm8000 image used by the vu plus creators) for a dreambox. Hence, why it's all dreambox orientated... Wish it were not so.

Also, I think that likvid may kind of have a point in his comments. I say this because of the Gemini group, and how they were "paid off" by dmm... By of course, this cannot be substantiated, so take it all with a grain of salt and deleted if wanted :)

20-08-10, 22:54
the dmm aspect of this thread, could easily turn into a thread on its own, (magic module timeb*mb, gemini politics, various cams, killed units, all "third party origonated")

pip comes at a cost, but would be nice

as far as teams leaving the VU project, not a worry really, other image writers with a different mind set will step in


20-08-10, 22:58
I think the other boxes mentioned in likvids post ...just didnt sell as well as the Vu + or dreambox ... ..i think this is why the Vu +will survive its a good quality affordable high def receiver 1
...just my opinon Mind !

22-08-10, 05:47
is it the end of the Vu + or whats going to hapen if all teams decide to not support Vu+ Duo nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo

22-08-10, 06:06
is it the end of the Vu + or whats going to hapen if all teams decide to not support Vu+ Duo nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Off course it's not the end. Just because DE said they might not, there's plenty of other support :roflmao:

22-08-10, 07:52
Admin on DE site even said that even DM support isnt guaranteed. In the end they will probably only support very few boxes. I hope VU+ will be amongst them, although i dont use this image. Pli is the best for me.