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View Full Version : DEFT Linux 7.1

07-04-12, 10:31 587_n.jpg

DEFT 7.1 ready for download

Hi People,
Many of you may have noticed that the deft 7.1 ISO is online since March, 30 without any public announcement. We apologize for that: we were all engaged in the organization of deftcon Conference 2012 held in Turin 2012. It was a great success: over 200 people actively participated to the event!
The new features for deft 7.1 are:

Bug Fix:
Hb4most and xterm’s problem fixed

Updated packages:
guymager 0.6.5-1
iPhone Backup Analyzer 10/2012
Xplico 1.0

Computer Forensics side new tools:

New implementations
After the great work done by Emanuele Gentili and Sandro Rossetti, we are delighted to introduce you the Cyber ​​Intelligence side implementations and we’d like to remember you today there is no other freely distributed system that allows you to perform Intelligence tasks:

- “OSINT Chrome browser”: we customized Chrome with several plugins and resources to perform ‘Open Source Intelligence’ related activities,

Network Information Gathering
- Host
- Nslookup
- Dig
- Nmap
- Zenmap
- Netcat
- Snmpcheck
- Nbtscan
- Cadaver
- Traceroute
- Hping3
- Xprobe
- Scapy
- Netdiscover

Wireless Information Gathering
- Kismet

Web Application Information Gathering
- Whatweb
- Cmsident
- Dirbuster
- Burpsuite
- Customized Chrome Browser (at least 1gb ram required)

Social Information Gathering
- Creepy
- Snmpcheck
- PieSpy
- Irssi

Identity Protection Tools
- TOR-Browser
- Anonymouse

OSINT Global Framework
- Maltego
- Proactive Resources

Please Enjoy DEFT 7.1 at least as much as we love to keep it running!
