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View Full Version : [CrossEPG-Config] CrossEPG no longer updating all channels

06-04-12, 16:01
As per above my cross epg doesnt seem to be working properly, the only channels with any info populated is sky movies, bbc hd and rest empty, i was using usb stick and stopped working, went to just use on board mem and still no joy, tried doing crossepg downloader and updating providers, still no joy.

Using latest vix image

06-04-12, 16:06
What sources have you selected?

Menu->Setup->System->EPG->CrossEPG (What providers have you used?)

06-04-12, 16:19
open tv, sky uk opentv astra on 28.2

06-04-12, 16:25
went to just use on board mem and still no joy

What do you mean by this? Changing the location in the settings menu?

Try putting the location to /media/usb/ and ensure that no other epg.dat exists in the flash or in the /media/hdd/ locations. Reeboot and then try a manual download again.

Mr. Mister
06-04-12, 16:26
Try formatting your USB stick again in FAT32 and try it again..

06-04-12, 16:30
It's probably best if you find and delete all instances of the epg.dat file and then re-download the EPG just incase it has become corrupted.

remember though you will need to initiate a telnet session then use the init4 command before deleting the epg.dat files ( this kills enigma ) then use the init3 command to reawaken enigma once the files have been deleted otherwise they will be re-written from the live memory.

06-04-12, 20:44
Right for some reason it keeps putting crossepg on my nas even tho the location is set to /media/usb/ why is this happening

06-04-12, 20:54
everytime I try and mount the usb drive it crashes ,part of error, no space left on device \etc\fstab.tmp

06-04-12, 21:48
For whatever reason, even tho i have told the solo box to use \media\usb it persists on using my nas, all items now populated but would rather be using my usb stick, doesnt want to mount the usb drive tho and crashes if I suggest it.

11-07-12, 10:12
Having problems again, was working fine for a while on latest vix image, got it set yo usb pen drive, downloads gets to parsing and then always just stays half way through that, how do I delete the epg from flash memory as it had jumped to that before I changed back to usb.

11-07-12, 12:33
it could be in /usr/crossepg or /etc/enigma2

11-07-12, 12:52
Magic, take it theres probably a DAT file to delete then, i'll try that.

11-07-12, 20:46
ok deleted the dat file and same issue, gets to parsing and eventually stops arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Rob van der Does
12-07-12, 00:42
ok deleted the dat file and same issue, ....
Did you stop Enigma2 before deleting the .dat-file (telnet 'init 4')? Otherwise the data remains there.

12-07-12, 10:10
Ive now noticed that only freeview channels have any epg data, sky ch dont, ive never touched the providers so dont understand that, will come back later with the providers iv selected.

12-07-12, 21:18
ok I have ticked

XMLTV providers - Rytek uk xmltv
Open TV - Sky UK open astra 28.2
XEPGB Providers - Rytek UK XMLTV

12-07-12, 22:19
I had the simular problem with my latest stable VIX VU+ Ultimo image. I played some time to get it to work. I had to ftp the usr/crossepg files from the previous 155 image and replace the newer files with them. All working fine now.

Crossepg must have been updated in the newer firmware but there does seem a problem with it.

It would parse the first 28.2E file, but froze before working on the second. With the older files, it works fine.

13-07-12, 06:48
I have also discovered issues with CrossEPG in the latest two versions. Now on 185 and as soon as you start downloading it just says --> saving data --> loading data within some seconds. Downloading and parsing the (which takes approx. 30s for me normally) just doesn't happen.

13-07-12, 11:37
I have also discovered issues with CrossEPG in the latest two versions. Now on 185 and as soon as you start downloading it just says --> saving data --> loading data within some seconds. Downloading and parsing the (which takes approx. 30s for me normally) just doesn't happen.

Yip i have exact same fault belierzz, glad not just me, looks like its gubbed.

13-07-12, 13:33
Mine downloads no problem,the only issue I have now is that it doesn't update everyday as I have it set to.
Not sure when it started to do this,maybe a few weeks ago.other from that problem it's perfect

13-07-12, 19:50
Strange but true: for me it was HW related. Changed my USB stick (as storage for CrossEPG) some days ago. The new stick was mounted correctly as /media/usb, but was somehow not recognized and selectable in CrossEPG. Changed the stick, everything is fine again. Therefore solved for me.

13-08-12, 14:04
CrossEPG doesn't work on media/usb, but works with media/hdd...so I have to mount my usb-stick to media/hdd. I'm saying this after trying with clean installation more than 2 or 3 times. (It says could not open database...something like that).

13-08-12, 15:53
CrossEPG doesn't work on media/usb

It does on all my receivers uno / duo / ultimo.

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