View Full Version : Sata drive problem

05-04-12, 15:11
Hi mates

Woke up today to find my sata 300gig hdd in the duo not working, cannot access anything from it, have played about with it and now removed it and put into a caddy connected to the pc.
It sees the drive ok saying it has 279.46gb unallocated so cutting my losses i decided to reformat it using windows proceedure however it reports back it cannot successfully format the drive.
first of all can i confirm what type of format ntfs or fat should i using so to make sure i did that right
however cud be simply a naff drive because its not responded to anything i done to it so far
I have also used a prog called mini tool partition wizzard this says the disk is 29.30gb unformatted and 250.16gb unallocated
Did surface test reports partition one with 3872 errors just writing zeros over to see if that helps
any advise on how to recover or to dump it now would be grateful


Mr. Mister
05-04-12, 15:21
This is one that always works for me.. Never let me down yet..

HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

Just google it.. and hopefully it works for you too..

05-04-12, 18:40
Hi mate yeah i have that tool did try it last night but didnt seem to do the job, using the mini tool prog i slowly making headway just scan surface of unallocated drive and reports only 67 errors in unallocated half of drive
will keep u posted

Mr. Mister
05-04-12, 20:06
Did you could try a full format buddy.. and not a quick format..

Prolly take 100 times longer.. but might just work..

05-04-12, 21:01
Hi mate
When i did it last night yes a full format but it stopped manage to get the mini tool to write zeros now to drive successful :thumbsup: now using the usb tool to format 10mins in and no message cannot do so fingers crossed.
By the way is it ntfs format ?

06-04-12, 05:39

I suggest that you go the the HD manufacturer's site, download their diagnostic tool and run it on your drive with the most complete settings.
At least you will know if the drive is ok or failing. If it is the case then just get a new one and don't waste your time.