View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Build 204

03-04-12, 18:53
HI Guys i have been using an old vix image on my duo for months and months and i want to update it to the lates image .

Do i need to add a boot loader or can i just update to the 204 build ?

thanks in advance


03-04-12, 19:00
204 does require the latest bootloader so if your in any doubt as to what bootloader you have edge on the safe side and flash the bootloader first. It only takes a few seconds and is done the exact same way as a image flash.

04-04-12, 10:49
hi is the bootloader in the same zip as 204 or do i need to get it elsewhere ?

04-04-12, 12:34
You should see the bootloader in the same release thread as the image, its not in the same zip file as the image however.