View Full Version : Sort Sky UK channles via frequency

15-08-10, 21:14
Trying to find sky box office HD but its not listed in my channels list?

Is there a channels list plug in for Sky UK or is there a way to search the channels via frequency and not name?

15-08-10, 21:19
catseye settings are best, if using DreamElite its green button...yellow button...addons manager..enigma 2 settings...select catseye motor settings


ps box office will not clear...if it does...send me a pm :rolleyes:

15-08-10, 21:21
thankyou - SBO not clear full stop as i know it doesnt on some recievers but when event ordered via card, it should work!?

15-08-10, 21:34
those channels are included in the catseye listings


15-08-10, 21:37
yes i have found them now, much better than the previous motor settings i loaded yesterday!

I have set a recording for it anyway, if it records it does, if not then never mind.

I take it for a recording i leave the dish pointed to sky uk and then pop the box into standby? It will auto wake up as per timer setting? I dont need to leave it on the SBO channel do i? (only using 1 tuner at the moment!)

15-08-10, 21:46
yes leave it on the sat in question,...regards to standby..i would leave the unit live...(i hav,nt as yet tested that option...so belts and braices)


15-08-10, 21:48
Yes, you should be fine. Don't even need to be leaving it on the 28.2 satellite, as the box will auto move the satellite to choose the channel. But, is probably best to leave it there unless you want waking up early in the morning :p hehe.

Anyway, I know previously when I tried recording wwe events in the early hours, it's never actually recorded. Records the first 20-30 mins, and then nothing. But worth a try :) Let us know if you manage to get the recording :)

21-08-10, 09:23
where are these catseye settings on the PLI image?

I have just flashed with it and downloading plugins is instant!

booo black hole image!!! :-)