View Full Version : Duplicate timers.

01-04-12, 10:46

I'm using the "require description to be unique" option in AutoTimer but new timers keep being added even though a current timer is already present.

This doesn't happen with timers waiting to record though, only completed timers. Is there anyway I can make AutoTimer search the completed timers as well so repeat timers don't get added?


01-04-12, 10:57
If the timer has completed it will re add it as there is no timer, I don't think you can get the plugin to look at completed timers.

01-04-12, 11:35
Ok thanks, Stanman.

I also set it to look at recordings but it doesn't look in the trash bin so re-adds the timer. :( lol

Thanks anyway! :)

01-04-12, 12:48
Could get the author to try and get it added.

What is it that your recordinng as should not record the same programme so close together.

to give you an example I record the walking dead - the new episode was on Fridays and it did not add the timer of the repeat on Mondays until the Sunday when the Friday one had recorded and disappeared

01-04-12, 18:27
I have episodes of Air Crash Investigation to record.

Here are the settings I've got.


I want it to record any episodes on any days at any times, except for dupes so I changed "require description to be unique" to Any service/recording. I also have AutoTimer to check the EPG every 30 minutes. So once I've finished watching an episode (which was recorded at 11pm last night and watched this morning) and delete it, 30 minutes later AutoTimer will add the episode again as the episode is repeated all week.


It's not a major deal, I can just save the recordings for a week and then delete.