View Full Version : gst-plugin-rtmp plugin for Webbrowser 1.5

24-03-12, 18:33
I have tried to install the webbrowser 1.5 plugin but this fails because the install needs gst-plugin-rtmp.

Where can I get gst-plugin-rtmp from?

28-03-12, 10:48
Yea Im getting the same error.. I tried webbrowser_1.2-r0 and it installed no bother.. you then have to install weblinks after to see it working..
webbrrowser 1.5 will still not install, maybe its something to do with the drivers of the ViX-2.3.204-et9x00 image i'm using are not up to date??

Maybe someone else here who knows more could enlighten us??

14-05-12, 23:57
exactly the same issue here...did anyone manage to resolve this ??

27-05-12, 23:00
OK update from my end on this issue. Did a reflash of the latest ViX image and tried installing Webbrowser v1.5 and it seems to have gone through without any errors. The only issue is the browser isn't exactly stable and causes the box to crash too often.