View Full Version : Recommend me a receiver?

23-03-12, 13:05
Hiya Folks.
Just looking for some advice on a new receiver for my folks.
Ideally I'm after an Enigma 2 box(As its what I know ;) ) but as cheap as possible without going down the clone route.
Primary requirements are HD, and softcam compatiblity and access to quality channel lists.
Single tuner is fine but my overriding priority here is price.
Any suggestions will be much appreciated ;)
Thanks in advance.

23-03-12, 13:11
have a look at the gigablue HD 800 se


23-03-12, 17:25
I would go for a VU solo you have a more wide range of images and such as Vix pli and Blackhole, IMO the Vix images have the best skins and a great remote control.