View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Debug logs: Always writing to log file?

22-03-12, 15:30
Hi folks,

I got home last night and two of my Duo's where sitting on the black Vix crash screen. When I rebooted it just crashed again straight away. The error was that I was out of space! I removed the USB stick from receiver 1 and rebooted and then it started fine. I checked the USB stick on the pc and it was completely full and main offender was log files.

The second receiver restarted fine too after removing the USB stick and rebooting but shortly crashed again complaining of space issues even though the USB stick was still out. I reckon my flash must have filled or something on this receiver!

The question is, in the logs setup if debug logs is enabled is the receiver always writing to a log?

I was advised to turn this option on as when my receiver was crashing some bug was preventing a crash log from being saved, it was getting deleted I think Andy said.

Will leaving debug on cause my current issues?


20-04-12, 05:32
interesting point.
Have you got any further information about debug log?

Rob van der Does
20-04-12, 06:57
In the next release the space the logs are using can be set to a maximum value; logs older then a set date will be deleted if that value has been reached.