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View Full Version : Sly UK Bouquets v3.1 August 10th 2010 - All Boxes

13-08-10, 18:55
All credits go to B16MCC :)

Hi guys, here's the next release. There's a few fixes and a few new channels as listed below

Added new channels :-

407 - Spy Sports News HD - Not Broadcasting yet and EPG No. is a guess !
346 - Spy Classics HD
222 - Comedy Cental HD - EPG No. is a guess !

Fixes :-

Unlistable, more than 40 fixes.

Bouquets modified :-

All of them !


Ok, I'm now releasing this as ALL BOXES. There is no need to release this twice. You can make it suite what ever box you have simply by setting up DreamboxEdit correctly.
Here's a few pointers to help you get going.

* Always use the latest version of DBEdit. (v3.0.1.6 IHAD, at time of post)
* Setup DBEdit to suite your box
o Enigma1 boxes Settings-Type2
o Enigma2 boxes Settings-Type4
o Change this by Clicking, Tools > Toggle between versions 2 and 4 settings.
o Ensure you select the correct folder options to suite your settings on the options page.
* If you're using a HD box and you find the HD channels listed in blue, try the following fix :-
o Ensure your settings are set to type 4
o Click, Tools > Show / Restore Files
o The bouquets and other important files should be checked by default.
o Click, Restore Checked Files To Original
o Now save.
o HD files should now show as normal.
o It seems this is caused by loading the bouquets into DBEDit when it is set to 'Settings-Type2'
* If you're using SID Assigner,don't forget to reprocess your package(s) !

NOTE:- HD channels are now type 25 , adjust your picon filenames to suite.