View Full Version : cannot get 1080i ? problem

13-08-10, 17:32
i have tried setting advanced settings plugin to do 1080i on my tv, but it wont find 1080i on my 42inch plasma, in advanced settings it shows up to 720p, i am using the dreamelite image, what else can i do to resolve this,

13-08-10, 17:50
Hi mate

Can you be more clear are we talking the vu+ or the plasma tv... if its the vu+ then press

menu ..
and then
setup ..
system ..
a/v settings..

Now arrow down one and arrow left/right to choose your size

If however your tv is old it may not be full hd and have less option which case take it to the max u can see



13-08-10, 18:39
Hi mate

Can you be more clear are we talking the vu+ or the plasma tv... if its the vu+ then press

menu ..
and then
setup ..
system ..
a/v settings..

Now arrow down one and arrow left/right to choose your size

If however your tv is old it may not be full hd and have less option which case take it to the max u can see



i am on about my vu+duo box m8, i have now tested my vu+duo box with a mkv 1080i film on this, now when i play this on my telly it flashes up 1080i input, so my television is capable of 1080i, but when i install, the advanced video settings on my vu+duo, through plugins, it installs ok, then when i go to settings on advanced video settings plug in, it just goes to 720p, why ? when my television can handle 1080i, is there a way to resolve this, and another thing when i change channels, sometimes the screen goes alot smaller, what can i do about this too, my television is a 42inch widescreen plasma, i am struggling to resolve this, help please, thanks

13-08-10, 19:16
Have you re-booted after installing the advanced video modes plugin? Are you using official image?

13-08-10, 19:47
Have you re-booted after installing the advanced video modes plugin? Are you using official image?

this is the one i used, Dream Elite Vu+ Duo BH 1.3.3F

and yeh i rebooted it afterwards, is it true, i am better off using 720p instaed of 1080i, it is better ?

13-08-10, 20:22
42 inch plasma means nothing, you should know the native resolution of it. In fact, when one researches TVs before buying one, one looks at the native resolution first.

The possibilities are as follows:
1. It has 1920x1080 native resolution and supports 1080p from video input
2. It has 1920x1080 native resolution and supports only up to 1080i from video input
3. It has less than 1920x1080 native resolution (but usually more than 720p)

If you are watching 1080i HD or playing 1080 mkv, you obviously want 1080 resolution,
but if you are playing 720p mkv (the most prevailing on the internet), you may try which results in better quality: using 720p or 1080i resolution for Duo output.
As a general rule, I usually set video output to the native resolution of my tv or monitor, however if Duo does better/worse scaling (and it may depend on the software version currently used in Duo) I cannot rule out 720p mode

13-08-10, 22:32
Hi mate.... regarding the picture sizing problem

In the a/v set up if you look down the list ur see settings for 16/9 and 4.3 here you can swop settings around to pan an scan ..letterbox etc have a play with them see if that helps also does your tv allow settings for hdmi.


14-08-10, 00:59
Is this "advanced video settings" plugin not available in PLi? - I can't find it either among installed or available to install

Actually, I have a different problem: on some 1920x1200 monitors (with DVI only?) there is no possibility to make the monitor to expect 16:9 input.
In that case it would be better if Duo could output 16:10 output.

I'm pretty sure that one time when installing a new image into Duo the initial wizard offered such an aption: to choose 16x9 or 16x10
But now I cannot find it.
Perhaps it was the latest PLi.
Currently I am back to an older one.

So I would like to be able to switch in Duo from 16:9 to 16:10 for hdmi output.