View Full Version : External HDD Setup

17-03-12, 16:03
Hi All,

I just bought a 2TB external HDD and connected to the box using USB two. At first it didn't want to recognize the disk but then it did.
Now its not recognizing it anymore.
Can I get some help with this please?

17-03-12, 16:05
did you do a gui restrart or a full cold restart

try a full restart see if its detected then try a gui restart and see if its detected

a few users are having this issue where a gui restart drops the usb mount

17-03-12, 16:29
I have done a
root@vudo: shutdown -r now

I think that reboots it completely. By the way, I was having problems with the hard disk so thought perhaps it would be useful to format. So I have now formatted the HDD to ext 4 on ubuntu

17-03-12, 16:31
yes formating and mounting it is a good idea

has it reapeared?

17-03-12, 17:12
Ok So now everything seems to be working. Not fully tested but initial test of timeshit and recording seems to be working.
So here is what I did:
1. Format of the drive to ext4
2. Connected to VU Box
3. Did a cold restart
4. checked the hdd was mounted using df
5. and then finally edited the setting for timeshit and recording to record on the mounted hard disk.

Thanks all for your help.

17-03-12, 18:40
glad yr sorted mate