View Full Version : Communal Dish setup problem

16-03-12, 10:59

Extrend ET5000 and communal dish setup with three sats 7w, 19e & 13e, currently based in Morocco.

Ever since we moved here the sat set up has been a bit strange.

At 1st I used a Spiderbox and an Abu Dhabi Humax reciever (Linked to the Spiders loopthru) and whilst the Spiderbox missed a few chanels on the whole it picked up most chanels. The Humax was fine but limited to just using its own paired card ADMC Sports.

Anyway, after about 4 months the Spiderbox lost the upper end of the frquency range on 13e & 19e and those chanells went.

As the Humax still recieved signals on the transponders I assumed the Spiderbox was faulty and swopped it for an ET5000 and those chanels returned :)

Anyway, after a couple of months of working well those chanels are again lost and I've lost almost everything on Astra 19e.

7w Nilesat is also now acting strange on the Humax.

If I connect the Humax directly ie not using the ET5's loopthru I can recieve the MBC HD chanels but not the AD Sports chanells, but if I loop the Humax though the ET5000 I can get the AD Sports but not the MBC HD chanels! Very odd!

Anyway, I suspect that the LNB's on 7w & 19e are faulty.

I've also read that a communal sytem may use a diseqc switch for each apartment and that these can be prone to failing.

I havent seen the distribution set up so I dont know what they are using.

I'm going to ask the Sat guy to check the LNB's but can anyone advise if the diseqc switch can cause these symptoms?


19-03-12, 09:07
Very strange problem this one.

The LNBs and the dishes on the roof are fine and the Sat Guy was able to resolve all the missing chanells using an Azbox.

The Extrend ET5000 is still however unable to get a signal on lots of transponders.

The Humax is also acting very strange and will only tune into the Abu Dhabi Sports channels with a full signal if looped through the Extrend and the Extrend is on and tuned to the ADMC Sports channel. If the Extrend is on deep standby the Humax's signal becomes very weak.

Has anyone else had an issue like this?

Perhaps the Extrend's tuner is faulty?

Anyway, I discovered that the communal dish system uses a multiswitch.

All receivers are configued correctly.