View Full Version : Recording Issues

14-03-12, 17:20
Hi all.

I have a Vix Duo running the latest Vix image.
It has a 1TB samsung USB HDD mounted as HDD (without external power supply) Initialised within vix so should be ext4

Up until recently this has worked just fine.
Although I come to my recording list earlier this week and noticed lots of my recordings missing and they weren't in the deleted items folder either.
Iv'e FTP'd to the box and I can't see the missing files in HDD/Movie (nor are they on Lost+found)

And also, yesterday when ever I press the recording list button it loads up half the recording list I get the spinning vix logo then it restarts.

Can any body point me in a direction, as to what may be occurring on my duo.

Thank you.

14-03-12, 18:32
Telnet to the box and run a fsck on the filesystem

export HDD=`mount | grep media\/hdd | cut -f1 -d' '`
cd /
unmount /media/hdd
if [ x$HDD != "x" ]; then fsck.ext4 -p -v $HDD; else echo "Failed setting HDD variable"; fi
if [ x$HDD != "x" ]; then mount $HDD /media/hdd; fi

Above should be safe to copy/paste into telnet session, it tries to figure out which disk is the hdd or else will complain about that.

If there was a lot of error i would install smartctl package and check the disk for SMART errors.

14-03-12, 23:02
Thanks.. I don't understand the response. could you explain what this means please.

root@vuduo:~# export HDD=`mount | grep media\/hdd | cut -f1 -d' '`
root@vuduo:~# cd /
root@vuduo:/# unmount /media/hdd
-sh: unmount: not found
root@vuduo:/# if [ x$HDD != "x" ]; then fsck.ext4 -p -v $HDD; else echo "Failed
setting HDD variable"; fi
/dev/sda1 is mounted.

WARNING!!! The filesystem is mounted. If you continue you ***WILL***
cause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.

Do you really want to continue (y/n)? no

check aborted.

15-03-12, 11:08
Thanks.. I don't understand the response. could you explain what this means please.

root@vuduo:~# export HDD=`mount | grep media\/hdd | cut -f1 -d' '`
root@vuduo:~# cd /
root@vuduo:/# unmount /media/hdd
-sh: unmount: not found
root@vuduo:/# if [ x$HDD != "x" ]; then fsck.ext4 -p -v $HDD; else echo "Failed
setting HDD variable"; fi
/dev/sda1 is mounted.

WARNING!!! The filesystem is mounted. If you continue you ***WILL***
cause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.

Do you really want to continue (y/n)? no

check aborted.

Dooh, supposed to be umount not unmount...

15-03-12, 11:12
It detects which disk is mounted on /media/hdd
Then it make sure your not standing in the filesystem we want to unmount
Then it unmounts /media/hdd
Then runs a filesystem check on the filesystem
Then mounts it again