View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] Is there a new online update for VIX (Issue)

11-03-12, 15:22
Hi Is there a new online update for VIX (Vu+Ultimo) ? Today the update icon came on downloaded 2 packages but does not install them and the icon is still flashing my current build is 204 Kernel 3.1.1 Thanks for any help

11-03-12, 15:24
no the latest public image is still at build 204, where the beta images are at 240 or something like that.

dont worry when the new build is released to the public you can guarantee we will tell you about it.

11-03-12, 15:29
ok thanks do you know why I have the flashing update icon and is there a way to remove it is there an OPKG telnet command to run Thanks

11-03-12, 15:33
I'm at work at the moment so could not really guess as to why the update icon is flashing for you. you could try running the opkg update and opkg upgrade commands via a tenet session see if that sorts it.

11-03-12, 15:43
Tried the two commands but just got the following errors

root@vuultimo:~# opkg update
Collected errors:
* opkg_conf_load: Could not create lock file /usr/lib/opkg/lock: No space left
on device.

root@vuultimo:~# opkg upgrade
Collected errors:
* opkg_conf_load: Could not create lock file /usr/lib/opkg/lock: No space left
on device.

11-03-12, 15:45
are you sure you have not almost filled your flash ?

try this command to check

df -h

11-03-12, 15:50
Looks like it but I dont know why, Where do i look via ftp to see whats using the flash memory

root@vuultimo:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs 439.3M 439.3M 4.0K 100% /
tmpfs 64.0K 4.0K 60.0K 6% /dev
/dev/sda1 14.8G 319.1M 14.5G 2% /media/usb
/dev/sdb1 931.3G 363.1G 568.2G 39% /media/hdd
tmpfs 134.4M 720.0K 133.7M 1% /var/volatile

Rob van der Does
11-03-12, 15:54
You can look at several locations, such as etc/enigma2, home/root etc.
But probably a flash would be the best (fastest and safest) way.

11-03-12, 15:57
Yes i agree with rob i would not start poking around in those locations, it's probably best to just reflash the box also make sure you have recording and timeshift paths set correctly etc etc.

11-03-12, 16:01
Ok Thanks for all your help is it safer not to back up settings and start a fresh just incase Thanks

11-03-12, 16:04
yeah i would not make a backup from the current setup as it's likely to result in the same issue in time, although if you have a backup you made earlier say a few days old you could use that.

Rob van der Does
11-03-12, 16:10
Well, I would use the settings backup. And if you would run into the same problem, you can always reflash without restore.

Rob van der Does
11-03-12, 16:30
It may very well be a one-off problem, such as a recording or EPG to flash.

11-03-12, 18:29
Reflashed now flash memory is only 13% used Thanks again