View Full Version : How get VU+ duo on one network to see the samba shares on another network..

10-03-12, 09:00
OK, unusual one here. I have two networks, network 'A' is on a address range. It is connected to network 'B' on a address range through a PIX firewall, this network (B) already has a Samba file server up and running. Can anyone briefly descibe the process they would adopt to allow the VU+ Duo (on network 'A') to 'see' the shares on the Samba server..
Thanks You

10-03-12, 09:15
You would have to setup a network bridge between network A and network B either through a router or hardwired through a network switch, getting it right could be hardwork, can you not put the duo on network B

10-03-12, 09:20
Yes I could but its not my first choice. As the pix security is tightened right up to try & shield the internal network I really would prefer not to open up unnessasary holes if you know what i mean....

10-03-12, 09:23
Are the networks already connected to each other, if so assign the vu a static IP address and using an unused port, forward it to network B, you would also have to create an exception in PIX to allow it straight through

10-03-12, 09:36
Will have to have a little think about this one.... Im thinking that as I would have to create those exceptions I would by doing that also opened a potential vunrability, so my thoughts now are possibly move it inside the pix and use an access list to the static IP that the VU+ will have..........Ummmmm food for thought here, thanks for your thoughts..