View Full Version : Boquets

11-08-10, 22:07
I use the B16MCC.

I added CCHD and deleted a place holder channel. All the numberings after this are OK, but the ones before drop down one ie BBC2 on 102 becomes 101

13-08-10, 08:59
Any one? As I have added comedy central HD but it moved all the channels below by one and if I delete the place holder it moved all the above by 1 so 101 becomes 99. I have tried shifting the place holder to the 2 - 99 numbers but it still does the latter.

15-08-10, 16:25
Any one able to??

17-08-10, 23:19
come on guys, some one must be able to help out?

18-08-10, 05:39
They've all been specifically numbered to use similar channel numbers to a sly box. I think the only other thing to try is adding it to the end of a bouquet and see how that affects it.

18-08-10, 21:54
That works but I just wanted to add new channels without having to wait for a new release from B16 I tried it with CCHD and it messed up all the numberings when I deleted the placeholder channel and replaced it with CCHD