View Full Version : REQ: Someone download bitrate viewer from DE Panel?

11-08-10, 21:35
Hi guys.

Just asking for a bit of help...

Can someone be so kind, as to go to the addons manager on the dream-elite image, and download the bitrate viewer oe1.6 from the plugins menu please?

Not got the image installed at the mo, and don't wanna install it again just to download it...

Basically, if you click the download, let it download, then when it says "do you want to install", ftp in to the box, and go to the /tmp/ folder, and you will see a .del file with a name of something to do with the bitrate viewer. Then, ftp this file over to the computer, and upload it to here please :)

You don't need to install it if you don't want...

Many thanks in advance guys :) Got a beer waiting here for you ;)

11-08-10, 22:22
here u go :)

11-08-10, 23:04
Cheers matey :)

Enjoy your beer, hehe:


11-08-10, 23:06

that's really funny poo

09-07-11, 20:06
I am interested in this but have had a look around and cannot find much info.

Don't want to hijack, but does anyone know if this works in BH 1.61 and if it does, how you invoke it? I FTP'd this to /tmp/ folder then manually installed it which all seemed to go ok. If I long hold blue button and select from the Input menu, it pops a small Bitrate Viewer window with all fields blank and Red button to cancel, but the window is only displayed for about 1 second and then closes by itself.

Best regards
