View Full Version : Help with dreamboxedit

07-03-12, 11:57
Hello, I have had problems with silverfox's dtt settings so I have been trying to update them so they work for me (scanned then replacing). However when I use dreamboxedit it seems to be auto removing empty spaces and is therefore altering the numbers of the channels.
If I send silverfox's settings directly to my box using vucontrol centre the numbering is perfect (bbc1 - channel 101), however when I open the file on dreamboxedit the numbering is different - bbc 1 is on 25 not 101, so therefore as soon as I send to my box the numbering is out. I can't find anything on settings to change this, so that the numbering is correct. Any ideas/help would be great and thanks in advance.

07-03-12, 20:53
Click on oprions, advance tab, and tick allow duplicates.

07-03-12, 23:07
Hi guys,

Apologies for hijacking, I'm having a similar problem. Everything is working fine BUT,I cant seem to get my channels to follow sly numbers. I'm using Silverfox settings and on my channel list bbc 1is 1 (not 101) 2 is 2 (not 102 ) and so on.So for example my sky sports channels end up at 214 onwards. The order of the channels is fine, it's just that the numbers don't correspond to sky when I key in from the remote. I'm sure there is a simple way to sort this but any help is much appreciated!


07-03-12, 23:21
Seabcred need to do the same as post #2

07-03-12, 23:23
Tried that mate, reloaded settings and no change....any ideas?

07-03-12, 23:31
Can you do a screany of your settings. Also did you save them first time round if so please download a fresh and redo with "allow duplicates" enabled.

08-03-12, 00:08
Downloaded again and allowed duplicates and everything seems to be ok!cheers mate!

08-03-12, 08:57
Yes, thanks Stanman all sorted now :)

08-03-12, 22:22
No worries guys, your welcome