View Full Version : Problems installing any build above r1162 for Project Valerie.

05-03-12, 11:59
Looking for some help on a strange issue here.
I installed project Valerie from feeds initially and it is the last 'release' i.e r1162.
Now I was having some probs with sync issues and the Valerie team had fixed in releases from r1197 on.

Now when I switch to 'nightly' release option in Valerie settings it does detect the latest release asks me to update yet when I do accept the update its not installed and reverts to the r1162 build.
Same result when I install the .ipk via telnet or package manager.

Anyone know how I can update my Valerie to a version above the current feeds available version?

05-03-12, 12:33
Try this one its the latest rev1210 for the duo

not sure if you need to uninstall the old version first as i have not used it in ages

05-03-12, 13:19
Try this one its the latest rev1210 for the duo

not sure if you need to uninstall the old version first as i have not used it in ages

Hiya Basset,
Thanks for the link, thing is I actually already have the .ipk.
My problem is that even when I try to get the r1210(or any .ipk above r1162)to install the .ipk via telnet or package manager VIX seems to force a default r1162 installation(defaults to the feeds version)
I have tried doing this on a virgin backup with no previous valerie install and it still defaults to the r1162 release :(

So my question is how can I force an update to a higher version than current in the VIX feeds?

Also when I update Valerie from the Plugin itself, it disappears from the menu and plugin list after a restart yet is still listed via uninstall plugins as r1162 despite the r1210 update being applied.

05-03-12, 23:49
I'm having the exact same problem, no matter whether I update through Valerie or manually with the ipk it seems to revert to r1162

06-03-12, 00:48
Haven't tried Valerie this year, but this is a long standing issue.
The latest version in the feeds is the only version you can install, not sure why.

06-03-12, 00:53
the version in the feeds is specifically tailored for the image, and is updated as and when the image it self is updates. if you however update PV any other way it can and does break things in the image and causes massive headaches.

06-03-12, 10:48
the version in the feeds is specifically tailored for the image, and is updated as and when the image it self is updates. if you however update PV any other way it can and does break things in the image and causes massive headaches.

Thanks Phoenix.
Thats answered why I cant update anyways :)
I take it that as PV r1162 was the last 'release' rather than nightly build that it is locked down and used as the default in the feeds?
PV yesterday moved to a new 'release' build of r1211(rather than nightly) will it be a case of waiting until VIX next update is released to be released to apply this latest release?
Which will be a PITA for me as I'm sticking to 2.3.153 until the 3D OSD is fixed in updated image(last I tried was .203 and it didn't work, at least not in the way .153 does....which is perfect!).
I suppose I can run opkg update to get the latest plug in updates while on the older image when VIX is updated?

13-03-12, 18:23
the version in the feeds is specifically tailored for the image, and is updated as and when the image it self is updates. if you however update PV any other way it can and does break things in the image and causes massive headaches.

The Project Valerie team asked me to ask you what's different in ViX to other images, they'd like to work together to fix it.

13-03-12, 18:44
The Project Valerie team asked me to ask you what's different in ViX to other images, they'd like to work together to fix it.

The best person to contact would be andyblac as he's the image coder and to be honest most of what he does goes totally over my head. i only know that the ViX image is highly customized and in large parts totally re-written by andy to the point where some plugins that will work on other images dont work with ViX unless modified.

if you could ask one of their team to contact us we can see about possibly working together.

11-04-12, 16:00
Just dropping back in to ask if there is any possibility of an updated version in the feeds as of yet?
There has been a major rewrite of PVMC's media parser that needs the latest release candidate(R1239) to function and as of yet the VIX feed will not allow updating past R1162.