View Full Version : Can I set a reminder about a program start time !

05-03-12, 11:43
Folks, first post from this newbie so please be gentle... I have just setup my VU+ Duo and have started to fiddle around with the menus but can't seem to find a function that I used quite regulary when with Virginmedia. I used to be able to set a program reminder so it would pop up on screen a minute or two before the start time. Can I do this on this box (Vix image 2.3) ?
Thanks you & sorry if this is a dunces question...

05-03-12, 11:57
A similar function is called ZAP timer.
Choose program and go as if you are setting a recording timer but in the timer entry window change the "Timer Type" to ZAP.

This will change the channel to the program you want without recording it.

I dont think there is an option that matches your requirements exactly.