View Full Version : Migration auf Bootloader doesnt work

04-03-12, 13:55
I try to migrate the Bootloader from the ET5000 from 5000 to 5x00.

If use different USB Stick in Front and also in the rear and try the Up or the down Button.

when the Box startet (with the rear Switch) first the red led is on, then the green and the yellow led turn on. After 1 Seconds the red and the green led turn on and the box start normal. On the Screen ist the Message "Bootloader LINUX 2.6.31 UBIFS"

I wrote the log from boot with a Serial connect (see attachment).


Is there a way to flash the Box using the serial connection?
Does anybody have another idea to Flash the box?

(sorry for my english)

04-03-12, 14:06

Turn off box.

Just put the boot loader on a preformatted usb key.

Make sure all other usb connections are disconnected.

Put usb key in front usb connection...

Power up box

After 30 seconds - turn off box.

Disconnect usb key....

Power up and you have the latest bootloader to take advantage of the newer images.

Good Luck

04-03-12, 14:21
i have create 3 Stick (1G, 2G and an 8G USB STick)

On these Stick i extract the Bootloader ("Bootloader ET5000 to ET5X00" version) in the directory /et5000

is there no need to press the up Buttom?
is a networkconnection a problem?

04-03-12, 18:33
The boot loader flash is very quick, matter of seconds, are you sure it has not flashed?