View Full Version : Anyone managed to stream to iphone?

10-08-10, 22:54
Hi all, was following a thread on the PLI forum where they get the dreambox to stream to the iphone using the oplayer app (£1.79 from itunes).

Just wondered if anyone had managed to get streaming working from the VUDuo to the iphone? Have tried oplayer, but so far haven't had success.

On a separate note, there's a free app called dreamote, that acts just like the remote, only over the internet, you can view the epg, set up to record etc from anywhere.

10-08-10, 23:09
i went the lazy way

got sling mobile app(£17 ish) on my i phone, and use a modified channel list to change channels with, again via the web interface
the virtual remote does not work,


10-08-10, 23:17
Web remote didn't used to work from my PC with webcontrol but it does now (PLI)