View Full Version : Telnet problem

10-08-10, 17:46
Hey all,

Have been reading and trying to follow most of the newbie guides here :)
Got a 2nd hand vu+ duo ,and have been able to add an image to it.
Now stuck on the telnet part.i get in,but when i get to the part where i should in the word passwrd to get me to change the password i get -not found

Anyone got any ideas?:)

Thanks,and have a nice day .

10-08-10, 17:53
well the default password is "blank" (just leave the field empty)

have you installed a new image or a pre-configured/tuned one that may be having a password set in it

10-08-10, 18:10
Thanks for the reply.

Using the latest black hole img.
That telnet guid seems easy,i just do not get the chance to change the password,it says -not found,where it's supposed to leave an empty space for a new password


10-08-10, 18:13
just wondering, y do u need to change the password...

have you tried to connect through ftp with the default username "root" and password "blank". did it connect or what did u get

try to telnet using putty and see if this helps

10-08-10, 18:20
Got in with ftp by leaving it blank.
Thanks for helping a new guy out :)

10-08-10, 18:23
welcome dude

have fun n enjoy ;)

10-08-10, 18:45
One other thing to notice, you tried typing the command "passwrd", whereas it should be "passwd" (notice, no r).

Would recommend to change the password though, just on the safe side ;)

10-08-10, 18:50
good catch poo, well spot-on ;)

10-08-10, 21:14
One other thing to notice, you tried typing the command "passwrd", whereas it should be "passwd" (notice, no r).

Would recommend to change the password though, just on the safe side ;)

Damn, you beat me to it :roflmao:

11-08-10, 15:47
Ain't it great to be new at all this stuff ;)

Thanks for all the help peeps,it's running perfectly :)