View Full Version : A good movie manager plugin for ET9x00 ?

02-03-12, 10:26
Hi m8s,

I have two 2TB hard drives connected to my box : one internal and another one through the USB

I have a big collection of media (videos, music, photos) in various folders/subfolders on both the drives.

I am looking for a plug-in which can give me a quick consolidation of all the videos, music, photos instead of browsing through 2 drives, various directories...

Can somebody please point me to something useful. I recall I had some plugin earlier where the "v-key" button popped up a menu of "Videos, Music, Photos" and then if I chose "Videos" it showed all the videos available.

I have a "Media scanner" plugin installed which doesn't seem to work (when I connect the external drive, it says "No displayable files found")

Thanks !!

03-03-12, 01:56
Not tried it myself but have a google for project Valerie might be what you are looking for.

If running VIX and you want to install its in the feed.

03-03-12, 17:39
Valerie is pretty good....time consuming to set up - but worth it!

04-03-12, 10:00
Thanks....installed it and it seems to solve my basic issue of getting the list of all videos in one place...it has its shortcomings :

a. Incorrectly parsed media
b. No support for music and pictures yet (would love to see something like Picasa for E2)
c. No way to determine the actual physical location path of the parsed movies list

But it would do for now..moreover it is an evolving project and hopefully would sort these out soon.

Thanks !!