View Full Version : Project Valerie Filetype compatability?

27-02-12, 19:40
Hiya folks,
Just wondering if anyone knows if its possible to add compatability for .mpg .mp4 and any other filetypes via editing the paths.xml file in the /valerie folder?
Is it just a matter of adding <filetype>mpg<filetype> and <filetype>mp4<filetype> to the paths.xml?
Or are other step required?
Thanks in advance folks.

27-02-12, 20:50
Just to close this out, after I posted this question I found out there was a WebIF in Project Valerie that allows very very good configuration and customisation.
I just added the extensions I needed via options/sync settings and it is picking up all my media now :D
Must say it is a nifty little plugin!

01-03-12, 17:48
Just to close this out, after I posted this question I found out there was a WebIF in Project Valerie that allows very very good configuration and customisation.
I just added the extensions I needed via options/sync settings and it is picking up all my media now :D
Must say it is a nifty little plugin!

I was looking to do the same banie01.......I don't suppose you could put a clear explanation on how to do it.....I got as far as change paths and that was it......I really do need leading by the nose but always get there in the end if assisted............

rgds. Tryharder

05-03-12, 01:33
Change paths to enable the correct media path settings for your box.
i.e for movies my path is hdd/movie and type selected as movie and TV series are hdd/series and type selected as TV.
To add mp4 and .mpg playback in Valerie you need to go to options>syncsettings>add file type(at top of paths page) and just add the extension to the list there with the ''|'' divider.
i.e to add .mpg and .mp4 just add |mpg|mp4 to the end of the file list.

As an quick example your filelist would then look like this ''mpg|ts|mkv|mp4|iso|avi|m2ts|ifo''
Remember to save each change too cos Valerie is finicky about multiple changes I find each setting needs to be changed and saved indivudually.

05-03-12, 11:31
To add mp4 and .mpg playback in Valerie you need to go to options>syncsettings>add file type(at top of paths page) and just add the extension to the list there with the ''|'' divider.
i.e to add .mpg and .mp4 just add |mpg|mp4 to the end of the file list.

As an quick example your filelist would then look like this ''mpg|ts|mkv|mp4|iso|avi|m2ts|ifo''
Remember to save each change too cos Valerie is finicky about multiple changes I find each setting needs to be changed and saved indivudually.

Just to add, this needs to be done via the webIF for Valerie, the default port is 8888 for Valerie so it would be log on to 192.xxx.x.xx:8888(where x = Your boxes IP)

05-03-12, 18:51
Thanks for the clear explanation...I have done a bit and managed to get some films om my external hd to play..although i have loads of music on it which i can't get to play at all...I installed media player via the plugins and ' Music ' has appeared on the Project Valerie options on start up along with..Live TV ...Movies..TV Shows..Set Up etc. But the music even when selected will not play!!! which is a puzzle......anyway thanks again....


07-03-12, 12:14
A further update...I can now access my Music files via the MUSIC option that has appeared on the front page of PV.....i then select MENU>add to playlist>select an mp3 file and play:)
Ok i have to add just 1 track at a time ( unless there is a playlist within the Album ) but for me this is progress.............If i could crack how to play a full Album at a time, just by selecting it, then it would be great...


09-03-12, 08:21
Been playing a bit with this plugin. Looks like something I would like to use.

How does one "clean" out the database. I 've had to go thru my files and fix the names etc. Do a re-sync and all the old stuff is still there.

Want to start fresh without having to uninstall/re-install the plugin

09-03-12, 10:22
Been playing a bit with this plugin. Looks like something I would like to use.

How does one "clean" out the database. I 've had to go thru my files and fix the names etc. Do a re-sync and all the old stuff is still there.

Want to start fresh without having to uninstall/re-install the plugin

Are you doing a fast sync? Or a complete sync after editing?
Whenever I've had that issue a complete sync after editing the details usually sorts it.
Also if you enter the sync manager(Via red button on the sync screen) you can edit, manage and even delete the orphaned media associations and info for every file.
Highlight the file you wish to edit, press ok and then use the coloured buttons to choose the option you want to edit.
Remembering to save before you exit ;)
You can also do this editing via the project valerie WEBIF.

Another little tip I came across at the valerie forum particularly for TV series is using a 'valerie.info' file.
This forces Valerie to force specific media info that you choose via the tt
To do this you create a file in notepad containing the IMDB tt or other search terms specific for your series and save it as valerie.info in the folder containing your series.
i.e if your folder structure for tv series is /hdd/series/yourshow1/yourshows01e01.avi(assuming a different folder for each series) tou would add the valerie.info to /hdd/series/yourshow1.

09-03-12, 13:13
Thanks, lot of good info.

I did the full sync using the webif. Ended up with a bit of a mess (it seemed to pick up folder art etc.)
So I cleaned out the folder so it just had the video files and did a full resync. All the old stuff still stayed.....

Will start fresh tonight.

I'm really enjoying my VU+, but do miss the clean look of myr NextPVR setup I had running. http://www.nextpvr.com/screenshots/
The VU+ interface seems sometimes a but clunky. Valerie seem to address this a bit.

I wonder if Xmbc for E2 will ever see the light of day....

09-03-12, 17:13
Thanks, lot of good info.

I did the full sync using the webif. Ended up with a bit of a mess (it seemed to pick up folder art etc.)
So I cleaned out the folder so it just had the video files and did a full resync. All the old stuff still stayed.....

Will start fresh tonight.

I'm really enjoying my VU+, but do miss the clean look of myr NextPVR setup I had running. http://www.nextpvr.com/screenshots/
The VU+ interface seems sometimes a but clunky. Valerie seem to address this a bit.

I wonder if Xmbc for E2 will ever see the light of day....

Talk a look at this for an XBMC backend add on to allow Vu+/E2 control


09-03-12, 23:04
Hmmmm, did a fresh install, specified the folder I wantet to sync. Did the main sync and voila, 325 films called "Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould" :mad:

10-03-12, 08:44
Ah, got it now. Did a cleanup thru the TV interface and made sure the filename was used. 338 films synced and only 2-3 failed!

I would only use the webif for writing in the the paths and editing fail entry's. Actual sync and setting thru the TV interface.