View Full Version : Streaming to laptop using old Webinterface plugin

27-02-12, 16:48
Hi guys,

I'm sure this has been asked many times. Just need pointing in the right direction I guess.

So my friend has a Dreambox DM800 and he's running the PLI image. He wants to stream channels to his laptop (Windows 7) but doesn't have the new OpenWebIf plugin but does have the older Webinterface.

Any ideas on how this can be done, considering he can stream to iPhone/iPad using Dreambox live?

This is surely possible on the laptop...?

Thanks in advance

28-02-12, 14:52
Wow, no body knows?

28-02-12, 22:18
If he has the old webif than just put the address of the box in to a browser and it will bring the interface up.

29-02-12, 17:03
If he has the old webif than just put the address of the box in to a browser and it will bring the interface up.

What about after the interface?


29-02-12, 17:25
its pretty much self explanatory - try it and see

29-02-12, 17:53
Will do - just need to go round my mates house first!

Thought I'd be clued up in advance before I round and try it...

I take it, its straightforward after the interface loads...

29-02-12, 18:02
yep once your into the web interface it's pretty much strait forward from there.

29-02-12, 18:03
Do I need VLC player?

29-02-12, 18:06
no but it wont hurt to install it onto the pc / laptop as it's by far superior to the offerings by windows.

29-02-12, 21:13
Do I need VLC player?
I would use it rather than WM player its 10000% better imho

29-02-12, 22:25
yeh i prefer to stream to vlc too :D