View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] How can I edit AutoTimers set through VIX EPG?

26-02-12, 18:03

I have just purchased a Vu+ Duo (from the forum sponsor) after using a DM800 for the past couple of years, I have got everything set up as I wish it but when setting AutoTimers from the inbuilt EPG (VIX image) I can see the individual episodes in the timer list (green button) but I cannot find a list of AutoTimers to edit/remove. I've tried the long green button press but it reads as not assigned and I cannot find anything in the plugins list either.

Any help would be much appreciated, I'm sure it's just something I'm overlooking but a pointer in the right direction would help.

Many Thanks,


26-02-12, 18:06
Long press should work fine -you are using the orginal remote?

try this please

Menu>plugin>autotimer and click OK will take you to the AT list.

26-02-12, 18:16
Thanks for the quick reply, the AutoTimer plugin doesn't appear in the plugins list either installed or available. I assume it is now inbuilt into the image as it appears in the EPG (which looks sweet btw.) and I couldn't find it in the repository to download, I just stumbled across it by accident. I should mention it's the latest 2.3 image with genuine remote,but the remote doesn't appear the same as in the manual as the TV power button isn't present.


26-02-12, 18:19
Try changing the batteries as I had same issue on a ET9K with AT and quickepg turned out it was batteries and not remote issue

26-02-12, 18:22
Yeah, I changed it to some Duracell one's. I don't think it's a remote control issue at all though; like I said the image responded to the button press and the actual autotimer plugin isn't listed under Menu>Plugins.

Ok, I found it under installed plugins but I cannot uninstall it because of other dependencies, still when I press the long green button it responds with no plugin linked or whatever. :confused:


26-02-12, 18:38
Sorry blond moment, need to dye my hair!!! its Menu>Timers>Autotimers and not plugin

26-02-12, 18:42
Thanks so much, I said it was going to be something I had overlooked!



26-02-12, 18:43
No worries mate we all make mistakes and learn, if we didn't would still be in loin clothes and caves:D